Upcycled Planter – Thrifted Project

Upcycled Planter | Mom 4 Real on @Remodelaholic

 Hey, hey Remodelaholic peeps!  I’m Jessica from Mom 4 Real, an I’m so excited to be back sharing another thrifty project for under $20!  This is the third one I am sharing, so be sure to go check out the DIY Night Light and Thrifted Picture Frame Turned Chalkboard from the past two months!  This month I am sharing an Upcycled Planter…because I am absolutely dying for Spring!!

Upcycled Planter Before

 Here in Kentucky, we have had a brutal winter…tons of snow, below zero temps and too many snow days for this mom. It’s time to add a little color an at least make it feel a little more like spring in here! I bought this rusty planter with geraniums at The Peddler’s Mall quite a while back for around $5, but feel like it needs a makeover.  So, I grabbed some of my favorite chalky paint, my favorite paint brush, a sanding block and some furniture wax and got to work!

Upcycled Planter - Painted With Chalky Finish Paint

 This paint will glide onto anything…for this project, I chose Lace, which is a creamy white.

Upcycled Planter - Paint

 I simply painted two coats onto the planter, allowing them to dry in between coats.

Upcycled Planter - White

 It doesn’t need to be completely covered, I want to rough it up a bit.

Upcycled Planter - Distressing

Just take some sand paper or a sanding block and distress it a bit.

Upcycled Planter - Waxing

 Once you are finished distressing it, take a clean white cloth and apply a little bit of wax.  After about 20 minutes, take another white cloth and wipe any excess wax away.

Upcycled Planter with g

 I wiped the silk geraniums off a bit an placed them back in the planter…I just love the way they look…all springy and french!

The total cost for this project would be around $9.  Don’t want to hit the thrift store?  Grab a terra cotta pot and dry brush some acrylic paint on it for a similar look, then add silk flowers or a live plant!

Come visit me at Mom 4 Real for more fun and inexpensive DIY projects, and tons of budget friendly cleaning tips, including How To Clean In Between The Glass On Your Oven Doors

Clean in between the glass on your oven doors ... tons of great cleaning tips and tricks at mom4real.com

Happy thrifting!

Looking for more upcycling ideas?

Existing Furniture into a Built-In Closet

Sewing Table into a Drink Station

Old Crib to Wall Plate Rack

Dresser to Colorful Kitchen Island



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  1. This looks so good. I can’t wait for spring to be here full swing. It was 70* yesterday but today is only 43*. I hope your having a great Sunday.

    1. We are having the same kind of weather here, Leslie! Spring is coming eventually! Thanks for the comment!