Spring Cleaning: DIY & Time Saving Tips

Believe it or not, today is the first day of spring! As the snow melts and warmer temperatures arrive, now is the perfect time to get a jump start on your spring cleaning. Check out these great DIY and time saving tips from About.com.

Spring Cleaning: DIY & Time Saving Tips - Tipsaholic.com

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Clarissa is a wife and stepmom embracing life in the Land of Enchantment. She works as a nonprofit communication specialist by day and blogger by night. Some of her favorite things are Dr. Pepper, green chile, baseball, country music, and her yellow lab.

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Cleaning Binder & Custom Cleaning Calendar

This 18-page editable cleaning binder printable pack will help you establish a cleaning schedule based on the custom tasks you actually need for your home. From the spring cleaning checklist to everyday cleaning recipes, this printable set is great for kick-starting a cleaning routine and staying on task with annual and semi-annual tasks, too.

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