Computer Desk Reveal

Justin teased you a bit with the computer desk plans last week, I hope you are as excited to see the final, as I am to show it to you!  (cuz technically we built this desk before we got pregnant with Lydia…so 18 months ago… I know, I am such a slow blogger!  But it is life, so ya know sometimes I have to roll with the punches…  not yet a pro at this whole life, mommy, blogger thing, and I am okay with that)


Okay, well, this post is not going to have a ton of talk, but I did want to share a thing or two that we learned, or that we’d do differently next time.

I used a polycrylic (water based polurethane) on this desk… it is already pealing.  I am not sure what happened, I waited the required times between staining and adding coats, SO frustrating!  But I would probably go with oil based next time, (or when it drives me so crazy that I strip the top and re-stain and paint it)

Get the free plans to build this two person computer desk here


Lamps $29.00 Garden Ridge

Lamp Shades Target $13.95

Pear painting is my Melissa Riker

Ingolf chairs from Ikea 59.99 a piece

Chair pads from Garden Ridge $12.99

Ikea shelves (from about 6 years ago)

Other misc stuff collected over time (if you must know about a specific thing, ask away, I will tell you if I can remember just let me know)

The computers I  really love.   When we started to get pretty busy with the blog, I decided it was time to retire the free 10 year old computer we had from Justin’s old work.  I didn’t want a laptop ( we already had one), but I also didn’t want the tower, so these computers are sorta awesome for the fact that the screen is the computer.   (p.s we got a HUGE deal on these buy buying the refurbished with a coupon…sand saved about $650 on each)

 Hang loose people…( cuz sometime ya just gotta pose like an idiot when someone takes is taking a picture of you!)

Overall, I like it but we still have some changes I want to make to the office.  The wall shelves are left over from the bedroom that used to be in this space.  I’d like to do something different there.  I got the little shelf unit for 10 buckaroos from my friend Craig S List. I want to update it, but I am not sure what that is going to entail- I like how unique it is now… so we will see when and how I change it AND when and if I get to done ever…!

Also we are planning on building this little shelf unit to put on the desk.  The computers would sit on it, and it will hold (& hide) junk that collects on the computer desk (that magically disappeared when we took the pictures!)  It will look like this below.  (Stay tuned for those plans someday)

What do you think?

If you like it show me some love, pin, or tag away! 

See what others have built with the plans:

Summer built a kid-sized version of our desk! More details here.

from Summer - desk

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. That desk is gorgeous. Thank you so much for linking up to last weeks show and share. Make sure to come back and link up this week with your latest project.

    A mommy’s life…with a touch of yellow

  2. I love this desk!! We are going to follow the idea, but build a dining table instead. I hope it works out…

    1. Jen, I love it too! Sadly, I actually got it on Craig’s list a few years ago for like 10 bucks! I loved the deal but i can’t help you find one for yourself!

  3. Fantastic job! It’s so neat and clean! Where do you guys house all of your other office stuff like documents and supplies? Do you have another area in the room for this type of storage?

    1. I wish i could tell you, I don’t have it, but Shewin Williams has a program named Chip it, and you could give it a try to fins a similar color!

  4. Can you tell me more about your computer system..and what it is called? What brand is it/model?
    Not having to deal with the tower and all the cable wires,etc. would be so great. This must have been what my daughter was telling me about a few weeks ago. I don’t want a laptop because I have no use for taking a laptop around from room to room or with me. Where is your printer? Did I miss it? I’m looking for a new computer table/desk so I can have space for a lamp, desk accessories, and my printer on the table top. I now have a desktop Dell. I haven’t used a laptop much and I’m afraid I’ll have problems getting adjusted to the difference in that and my desktop. You have to hold your fingers/hands differently on a laptop and you can’t use it all day long because it will heat up I have heard. Any concern or experience there?

    1. It is a Dell, don’t know the model, I got it through their refurbished deals, it was a great price. Our printer is in a closet upstairs, it is set up through a wireless connection.

  5. I may have missed it in a previous post, but can you tell me the lovely color/brand of the paint used in your beautiful office? It is by far my favorite blue gray. And kudos on the office. Very, very pretty!

    Thank you,

    1. Cindy, It was a mis mixed paint from ages ago! I am so sorry i don’t have a color, you could try Sherwin Williams Chip it to see if they have a similar color… Good Luck!

  6. Just finished building this desk. I love it!! Made a few little modifications but the desks are almost identical. Thanks for sharing your awesome plans!!

  7. I love the look of your desk and I’m looking to get a two person desk for myself! But I don’t know exactly what width I should be looking for to comfortably accommodate two people. Would you mind letting me know the width of your desk?