Computer Desk Reveal

Justin teased you a bit with the computer desk plans last week, I hope you are as excited to see the final, as I am to show it to you!  (cuz technically we built this desk before we got pregnant with Lydia…so 18 months ago… I know, I am such a slow blogger!  But it is life, so ya know sometimes I have to roll with the punches…  not yet a pro at this whole life, mommy, blogger thing, and I am okay with that)


Okay, well, this post is not going to have a ton of talk, but I did want to share a thing or two that we learned, or that we’d do differently next time.

I used a polycrylic (water based polurethane) on this desk… it is already pealing.  I am not sure what happened, I waited the required times between staining and adding coats, SO frustrating!  But I would probably go with oil based next time, (or when it drives me so crazy that I strip the top and re-stain and paint it)

Get the free plans to build this two person computer desk here


Lamps $29.00 Garden Ridge

Lamp Shades Target $13.95

Pear painting is my Melissa Riker

Ingolf chairs from Ikea 59.99 a piece

Chair pads from Garden Ridge $12.99

Ikea shelves (from about 6 years ago)

Other misc stuff collected over time (if you must know about a specific thing, ask away, I will tell you if I can remember just let me know)

The computers I  really love.   When we started to get pretty busy with the blog, I decided it was time to retire the free 10 year old computer we had from Justin’s old work.  I didn’t want a laptop ( we already had one), but I also didn’t want the tower, so these computers are sorta awesome for the fact that the screen is the computer.   (p.s we got a HUGE deal on these buy buying the refurbished with a coupon…sand saved about $650 on each)

 Hang loose people…( cuz sometime ya just gotta pose like an idiot when someone takes is taking a picture of you!)

Overall, I like it but we still have some changes I want to make to the office.  The wall shelves are left over from the bedroom that used to be in this space.  I’d like to do something different there.  I got the little shelf unit for 10 buckaroos from my friend Craig S List. I want to update it, but I am not sure what that is going to entail- I like how unique it is now… so we will see when and how I change it AND when and if I get to done ever…!

Also we are planning on building this little shelf unit to put on the desk.  The computers would sit on it, and it will hold (& hide) junk that collects on the computer desk (that magically disappeared when we took the pictures!)  It will look like this below.  (Stay tuned for those plans someday)

What do you think?

If you like it show me some love, pin, or tag away! 

See what others have built with the plans:

Summer built a kid-sized version of our desk! More details here.

from Summer - desk

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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    1. I feel the same way about the 1+ drive to Ikea… just a little too far for comfort- especially with 2 kiddos! Thanks so much for loving my desk! It makes my morning!

  1. First: I got a pear painting from Melissa Riker too, it is darling. 🙂
    Second: What is this “Garden Ridge” place you speak of?
    Third: I love those lamps and the price. dang.

  2. I’m wondering about your peeling polyurethane… What kind of stain did you use? Was it also water-based? If not, the oil in the finish would prevent the clear finish from adhering properly.

    I love the desk and the computers!

    1. We did use oil based stain, but the instructions say that you can use oil witha water based poly, if you wait “x” hours longer before adding the poly- so I did what just that.

      But thinking more about it, the desk is mostly peeling on the front bottom edge of the desk, where the chairs hit the desk. Also, maybe the stain kind of congregated there as a result of gravity and the that particular portion was too wet for it to adhere… either way annoying! I still think i will go with oil-based poly for next time.

  3. My kids and I are moving into a condo: we will own our own place!! Downsizing from renting a house, though. I’d love to make something like this for my 2 boys to have in their room!! It’s great!!

  4. Looks great! And 18 months isn’t too bad. I just posted a chair makeover that I finally got around to, nearly 2 years after snagging the chair off Craigslist. Love how the 2 of you can work side by side. Thanks for sharing.

  5. i’ve been thinking about desk ideas that are nice to look at because I just can’t handle working in the dark unfinished basement….so it’s all coming upstairs to the great room. Thanks for posting!

    1. Leslie! it is so good to hear from you! I hope you guys are dong well! (I totally understand about the dark basement, but I sure wish we could have one here in Texas… something to do with the soil, makes them not good!)

  6. Gorgeous! love your shelving too… I have a spot where my computer is that this desk would work perfectly in.. maybe we will attempt to build one too.. You and Justin did a great job on it.. love your blog too..

  7. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your desk!!! That is exactly what I’m looking for and I think I will make one myself!

    Just a bit of advice from a fellow blogger, get that computer monitor up higher! About a phone book height under it.

    You are looking down at your screen and eventually that will lead to MAJOR neck pain! (ask me how I know after doing this for 12 years. 🙂

    I hope you don’t mind the bit of off topic advice but I wish mine would have been higher years ago. It would have saved me a ton of pain.

    1. I know!! (Secretly, we have had our computers up on some books. But it didn’t look that great for the pictures) But our plan for the future is that we are going to build that drawer unit to bring the computers up (but for now a few dictionaries will have to do!) Thanks for the advice!

  8. Hi, love the desk! My hubby is a hardwood floor guy and knows quite a bit about finishes. His guess from you calling it polycrylic is that it’s a Minwax finish which, according to him, is an inferior finish. He also didn’t think the oil-based finish was a good idea. His advice would be for all furniture finishes, use laquer. It’s meant for furniture and it won’t peel. He had several suggestions of what could have made the finish peel: heat, cleaning the table with a product like Pledge before putting the finish on, inferior finish (Minwax), and some others I can’t remember right now. He didn’t really seem to think the stain not being dry enough was an issue. As in, the stain probably was dry when you put the finish on.

    Anyway, those were just a few suggestions! I hope you find them helpful.

    1. Thank you! I have never tried a laquer. maybe we will have to check it on another project… or if I get around to doing it again!

  9. I agree with all the other statements, your desk is just beautiful! I love the idea of the additional shelf/drawer unit underneath, what a great plan to keep all the little untidies out of sight, but handy. Keep up the great work, you’re an inspiration!

  10. I love your desk. Hubby and I have our computers side by side, but our desk isn’t nearly as cute or tidy as yours. Maybe matching chairs would help.

    1. I agree. We didn’t have matching chairs for along time, but I got sick of it pretty quickly. It is such an easy change for a really cohesive look. And if you don’t have a lot of cash, I got some great chairs that I use in my family room for $5.00 a piece via Craigs list, so just keep your eyes open for a good deal!

  11. Great desk I love that you made it. If fits in perfect with your home, love the two tone white and wood top. i’ve been trying to think up a desk to make and this really gave me some great ideas.
    Thanks for sharing.
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