Sneak Peek

I am not nearly done with Etta’s room. I don’t think I will be able to really post it until I get a crib for the room, but for now a have a little peek at what I’ve been collecting. Which is far too much for one room, but when it all gets “installed” I am sure it will be very exciting.

First, one of my most favorite things, is this hand made rag-rug. I LOVE it because my mother’s mommy made it. The colors are ideal and I love that it has meaning, and adds a TON of color to the room!

This shows the basic wall color. I opted for neutral, because there is a heck of a lot of color everywhere else. I painted the ceiling blue-BUT, NOT because that is the color of the sky!!! I had my ceilings blue in Asheville and it is just a fun surprise to have a color on the ceiling. The Robin Egg blue is also a major part of the color scheme.
You may have also noticed from the previous picture, a paper lantern. There are more where that came from, but I am not showing you them in place, (I guess ’til they get there!)
I think this “hope” sign is just cute. I got it in the dollar bins at Target at Christmas, but it is sparkly blue, so perfect. And also states perfectly what we have been feeling for the last few, or eight years!
I have WAY too many art options. I have three more that aren’t even photographed. I think I am actually going to hang two in her walk in closet, just because I can. But here are some of the options, that will not all be used but may be. Who knows.
Remember, I love modern art. I was at the Dallas museum a few weeks ago and someone walked by and scoffed at a simple modern art piece. They said ” I can do that”. But guess what- you’re too late, it’s already been done.
That is what is interesting about modern art. Sure, you can paint an orange square and call it art, but it wouldn’t be original unless you think of it first. A majority of the history of art has been trying to create more impressive works. Only in the last just over 100 years has that idea been put to the test. AS artist began to step back and simplify. It is a whole different thought process, and makes it interesting. Besides try recreating a modern art piece sometimes, it is not as easy as you may think. There are subtleties that you miss, with out understanding the work behind it. (that said I like respectly modern art, there are definitely peices that are NOT good)
I cross stitched this a few years ago. It is just a little kit you can buy at Joann’s but it is cute. I may put it on a shelf or something.
Here is Etta’s first baby blanket, made by me, exclusively for her. It is so cute and soft. I can’t wait to cuddle her in it.
My sister Tiffany gave my this bassinet a few years ago. I am excited to finally be able to use it. I am planning on making a skirt and cover etc for it. Meanwhile, it is holding toys and the crib bedding that Tiff also gave me. I have two sets, both adorable, So, we will see which one we use at least this time around!
I don’t know how or when I am going to get all this together. Let’s hope it just sorta happens, like it has been collecting stuff it will magically finish itself! (somehow)
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I can’t wait to see it all done! Thanks for the sneak preview. I also have some girl stuff for since we are having a BOY!

  2. >I can’t wait to see her room all finished. You are doing such a good job decorating it! 🙂

    And in answer to your question on my blog about the Navy…I posted about a while ago. (I can’t even remember when-it’s been that long?). So, that’s probably why you don’t remember seeing anything about it. 😉
    If we move to Texas (not sure if we will but, ya never know) I might see you around! 🙂

  3. >Hey Cassity! I LOVE all of the cute stuff you’ve collected/made…especially the afghan (sp?) How are you liking Texas? Your in the Fort Worth stake, right? My parents and sister’s family all live in Arlington (which is where I grew up). Texas is such a fun place to live.

  4. >can i just say…

    you totally inspire me! the colors… the way you put it all together…

    girl! you are dang good at what you do! 🙂