Wash up! Time for a brand new Delta Faucet!! YEA!

Shamefully overdue post….

I’m back!!  (this is Cassity the author of Remodelaholic in case you have no idea who I am)

So- literally about 7 months ago, I decided that we should “really quickly” update the front half bathroom- a basic 2 weekend update.  That bathroom was completely base, stock stuff, stock oak cabinets, cultured marble counter tops, vinyl flooring, broken toilet paper and towel holder (don’t ask), plastic crystal handled faucet, frame-less mirror, ugly light- and all off white – BORING!

I wanted to add a wainscoting, tile the floor(with left over tile we already had), paint the vanity and change the door to a pocket door (it opened up into a tight hall).  ( i will post more about this later)

Rather simple quick changes… (famous last words)

So, we went to work.

Justin installed the pocket door in a day.

I tiled and grouted the floor in 2 days, and began hanging the wainscoting, (the idea of which was great, but it wasn’t turning out exactly as planned, more on that later- the full remodel story of the bath isn’t exactly the point of this post), but we kept going til I ran out of boards…

and then it hit me- morning sickness and I found out I was prego!

…. then time began to pass …..oh ….. so …….  slow  …… ly  ……
and out of the blue,
Delta Faucets contacted me to see if I would be willing to review a faucet!
Uh, let me think about it….YES!
HALLELUJAH!!  and the heavens sang!

I figured we (i.e. Justin) could get the bathroom finished and go on with life no problem AND get a brand new faucet WIN / WIN.

So I picked this out and the lovely people of Delta sent it to me:

but boy was I wrong about this “quick” little endeavor!  With my morning sickness, Justin had to do everything else.  He posted the blog for me, cooked, cleaned and watched the baby, all while I laid there moaning with a bucket… our free time was therefore gone.

Also, because we ran out of the wainscoting boards, that we were cutting from 4 x 8 sheets I couldn’t go any farther by myself.  See I have this pregnant belly, I wasn’t going to use the table saw by myself  (Once while in a shop class, I had a board catch the blade and slam back into my stomach with full force, and I am not going to test that out on my baby bump!!!)


We had this BEAUTIFUL faucet that I picked out sitting on the counter in that bathroom for 3 months, waiting for things to get done.

Exhibit 1: Proof of faucet sitting on counter 
(along with all other random cleaners/unmentionables that my daughter had been getting into under the sink!!)

So finally, I came to the conclusion that while it may be a little longer til we are able to finish the bathroom, we would just install the faucet, whether we were done or not (we’ve been considering changing out the counter)



Do you have one of those old faucets that you have to literally smash your hands up against the sink to get any water on them cuz the spout only hangs over the edge about an inch?  That is what we had seen here:

Old Ugly Standard-ly annoying faucet….
Justin and Buddy working their magic to get this baby in:
So how does the new faucet look installed?
See for yourself-
And now washing my hands is such a pleasure!!
 It makes such a difference to have a faucet with a nice high spout with plenty of room for your hands to fit under, it is one of those things that you don’t realize is so utterly nice to have the space until you don’t have it!
Before    /   After
Be sure to check out the site when you are needing new plumbing fixtures.
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Wow, looks great, Cassity! We're in the middle of a bathroom remodel… might have to look into this faucet! Or hope that Delta calls me too, ha ha! 🙂

  2. >Isn't that how it always works out! I think I see some pretty white tiles going up that wall, maybe wood paneling, can't wait to see the fished project.

  3. >Oh my, don't you hate when "quick" projects end up turning out to be much longer than expected? Well at least Delta contacted you to do a product review for them and you got a free faucet out of the deal! I'd kill to get rid of my "standard" {very-much like yours} faucet! We did a mini makeover earlier this year and that's about the only thing left to update! Delta if your reading… pick me!!! 🙂

  4. >Our faucet is just like your "before" faucet. I don't like it, but we're not in a financial place where we're able to redo the bathroom yet. I just told my husband the other day that we should at least update the faucet…and I can't believe what a dramatic difference a new faucet made on your sink. I'll definitely be sharing this post with my husband!

  5. >We just redid our front bathroom too, and ran into many hiccups. It is nice once all those small changes are done… it makes such a difference. We underestimated how long our work would take too. It turned out nicely though.

  6. >I know what you mean. Rarely do our "quick" projects ever turn out to be quick! The new faucet looks great 🙂

  7. >Can't wait to hear about the pocket door in a day project… we have a space that really needs a pocket door (we took the original door of its hinges and now just have a doorway with no door into the laundry room… not a good setup!) Please be specific with how you did it?? 🙂

  8. >Congrats on the new baby! Hope that morning sickness goes away soon!

    I have the same exact bathroom faucet…it is terrible and I have been dreaming of a new pretty faucet for ages…you gave me more inspiration! Thanks!

  9. >Great faucet! I have the same pet peeve about faucets that you have to risk splashing water all over yourself to get clean hands 🙂

  10. >I have the very same faucet- (your old one) and I've been seriously thinking about what to replace it with because I loathe that faucet…. Thanks for the review, gives me something to think about and encouragement 🙂

    Semalee @ Nailing Jello to a Tree


  11. >OMG that picture looks EXACTLY like my sink, faucet and vanity (way too small and usually with a cat on it, lol). I want a Delta faucet sooo bad. Will they let you do a faucet giveaway on your blog???