Tiny Kitchen Renovation with Faux Painted Brick Backsplash

One of the very best parts of this holiday season is getting to see family and friends that you haven’t seen for a year — and part of the fun is hosting holiday guests! We decided to invite some guests of our own here to Remodelaholic for our very own special holiday guest series! And our first guest comes all the way from Germany, so give Lydia and her adorable small kitchen renovation a warm holiday welcome:

tiny kitchen reno before and after - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic

Tiny Kitchen Makeover with Painted Faux Brick Backsplash
by Lydia of Pudel-design

Hi everyone,
at first I want  to thank Lorene and Cassity from Remodelaholic for featuring my post!
As I opened the mail Lorene send me, I was so excited and happy to read her request!
This is amazing;)

I am Lydia Pudel from Pudel-design,
I am a graphic designer and I write about my projects and art.
You maybe have seen some of my projects,
like “The carpet reveal”, my
“DIY Bubble Chandelier”
or  “A DIY housewarming Gift” on Pinterest or some other blogs.

So today I want to share with you my kitchen renovation journey!

It took me about one whole year to finish this project, not that I was lazy or something, but like you all know, sometimes life gets in the way of a good DIY and you have to pause;)

But we learned a lot during this renovation. My hubby now can open any kitchen cabinet without using a handle or knob, because we lived without them for quite a time;)

Do you want to see the finished kitchen?

Here it is.

tiny kitchen makeover with painted backsplash and wood tile floors - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
Like I wrote before, this was a long journey.
I will lead you through it, with some photos of course.
I will show you step by step what we did,
which choices we made, which paint colors we have chosen, etc.

At first the before photo of this kitchen.

This was where we started!

tiny kitchen before makeover  - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
Like you can see it was a pretty vanilla yellow kitchen
with lime green walls a chandelier and a light wooden floor.
The floor never felt right, so it has to go, the lime green wall paint too.

But at first we raised the cabinets, put shelves underneath and painted the walls.

tiny european kitchen before makeover - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
tiny kitchen painted white - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
We also  added some lights over the cabinets and build a cover for them.
over-cabinet lighting in a tiny kitchen - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
These were our colors, the Diamond white for the walls and the darker tone for the cabinets.
white and gray cabinet colors - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
During the painting process of the cabinets I decided that I needed a new backsplash too.
So I painted a fake brick wall backsplash on my walls, I simply used acrylic paint and sealed everything with clear lacquer.
painted faux brick backsplash - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
small kitchen with painted faux brick backsplash - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
I also painted the handles and we changed the floor from wooden laminate to a dark brown
fake wood tile. We aded a small table and two chairs from IKEA,  new lamps,  and some pretty decorations, like the plate wall, which I lovee!!! And we changed the wood door to a more suitable choice. I wanted a glass door since I moved here, because our little hall don`t have a window and this door allows to bring in some light also when it`s closed.
Like you may have guessed we didn`t stop at our kitchen, we did the hall too,
but this is a whole another post;)

Now are you ready for the full after shots?

small kitchen remodel - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
small kitchen with two-tone cabinets wood tile floors - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
small kitchen with wood butcherblock countertops - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
painted faux brick backsplash with wood countertops - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
open shelf beneath cabinets with brick backsplash and butcherblock countertops - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
industrial wall light over breakfast table in small kitchen - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic

small kitchen breakfast table - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
plate wall collection around wall light in kitchen - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
hall makeover - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
tiny kitchen makeover - Pudel-design featured on @Remodelaholic
This was my pretty kitchen;)
I love to share it with you!
Let`s see how time consuming and expensive it was!

Time and Costs

We started our journey in April 2013 and finished it in May 2014!
So it took us over a year to complete it.
A lot of effort and time which really paid off!
I started with a budget of 500€,
let`s see if this held up;)
So much I can tell, we had some unexpected and unplanned costs along the way.
I included the hall in this cost break down, because it was a part of the renovation and we used the same paint colors.
  • Paint for cabinets and walls  – 75€
  • Paint for knobs – 9,90€
  • Lamps – 14,99€ for the small one and 29,99 for the big one
  • Door – 199€
  • Tile – 176€
  • Countertop – 199€ / we had to change it, the previous we hat was really dated and we have chosen the same color
  • Faucet – 129€
  • Sink – 89€
  • For the shelves we used reclaimed wood, from a past project and the spots over the sink too.
Total costs for this project – 921,80€ = 1.154,79USD
So  I was 421,80 over budget, but remember that included the hall too!;)
Product Sources
I would love to give you the product sources,  I think this won´t really help you, since I am from Europe/ Germany, but  everyone has an IKEA right?
So here they are;)
  • Tile and door from Toom hardware store
  • Paint called Signeo also from Toom, I think you know who Wolfgang Joop ! is? 😉
  • His daughter designed the Signeo color palette!
  • I love all these colors,
  •  I can tell they are the best I ever used, just talking from experience;)
  • Lamps, faucet, sink, chairs and table from IKEA
  • Plates from H&M Home
This was pretty everything I could share with you!
I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did.
Again a huge thanks to the girls from Remodelaholic!
Love & hugs from Germany.
Lydia Pudel

Small Kitchen Reno -- open shelving + a painted brick backsplash! @Remodelaholic


Thank you so much for paying us a visit, Lydia! I love what you’ve done with your small space. 

Remodelaholics, head over to Pudel-designs to see more of Lydia’s work, like the adorable barn she updated and converted for a client and a bubble chandelier from a lampshade. 

And be sure to subscribe to follow us by RSS or email so you don’t miss a single one of our amazing holiday guests!
You can also follow along on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Google+ | Twitter Pinterest

Want to be featured here on Remodelaholic? Submit your best project here

More small kitchen ideas:

Small White Kitchen with DIY Fridge Enclosure

small white kitchen remodel, Fisherman's Wife Furniture featured on Remodelaholic.com

Small Kitchen with Slate Tile Backsplash
small kitchen remodel with slate tile backsplash, lovetodecor8 on Remodelaholic

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Kitchen Layouts, Large and Smallhorseshoe small kitchen layout with aqua cabinets and wood countertops via House to Home

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Lorene has been behind the scenes here at Remodelaholic for more than a decade! She believes that planning projects and actually completing them are two different hobbies, but that doesn't stop her from planning at least a dozen projects at any given time. She spends her free time creating memories with her husband and 5 kids, traveling as far as she can afford, and partaking of books in any form available.

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    1. Hello! I am working on a kitchen project myself, and i wanted to know if you knew the kitchens measurements. Thank you!

  1. This looks lovely. I just stumbled upon your blog while searching for kitchen renovation ideas. I’ve also enjoyed reading your other post – 25 Great DIY Shelving Ideas. Thanks for sharing this information and I’m very glad I came across your site. Looking forward to reading your future posts. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  2. I really love what you have done with your
    Kitchen would it be possible to get some advice for my kitchen?

  3. Hi, I’m planning to upgrade our kitchen and I would like to ask what wood did you use in your counter top?