Friday Favorites: Succulent Wreaths and Buffalo Check

Beautiful Ideas And Inspirations Friday Favorites Featured On Remodelaholic Com

Welcome to another week of Friday Favorites and Remodelaholics Anonymous! We love seeing and sharing great ideas — so send them our way! If you have a blog, you can link up below, and if not, drop us a line here or message us on Facebook. There were so many things inspiring us from around the internet this week. I am really loving all of the holiday ideas that are popping up. You will see some of my favorite with some other beautiful DIY home projects sprinkled in too!

Favorite Staircase: This is such a fun and fresh staircase. I’ve never seen anything like it but I love it a lot.

Diy Upholstered X Bench From 2x4 Boards Anikas Diy Life Main2

Favorite Bench: I am a sucker for those “X” legs on any table, chair, or bench. They take a simple piece of furniture and make it look a little more fancy. Build this bench with help from Anika’s DIY Life.

Herb Dry Rack Binder Clips

Favorite way to dry herbs: I wish I was actually good at planting herbs and drying them. Maybe if I used this adorable herb drying rack from Grandma’s House DIY, I would be.

Reindeer Names

Favorite Reindeer Sign: What a cute way to display the reindeer names. Of Faeries & Fauna Craft Co. gives all of the details to get this unique piece of Christmas art.

Vintage Serger Cone Thread Repurposed And Upcycled As Diy Christmas Trees With Vintage Sequins Holiday Decor By Sadie Seasongoods

Favorite Vintage Upcycle: These serger thread cones are the perfect canvas for mini Christmas tree decor. Add them to the mantel, as a centerpiece or just about anywhere. What a clever idea by Sadie’s Seasoned Goods.

Favorite use of Buffalo Check: This entryway is simple and neutral which really is perfect for the buffalo check accents to really POP!

Paper Bag Snowflake Pendants Apieceofrainbowblog 20

Favorite Snowflakes: These giant snowflakes are so gorgeous mixed with the lights. A Piece of Rainbow will show you how to make them.

How To Make A Holiday Succulent Wreath 15

Favorite Wreath: Succulents are just adorable, make a wreath out of them and it is the most adorable wreath of all! This idea is over on Nordstrom Blog.

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Lorene has been behind the scenes here at Remodelaholic for more than a decade! She believes that planning projects and actually completing them are two different hobbies, but that doesn't stop her from planning at least a dozen projects at any given time. She spends her free time creating memories with her husband and 5 kids, traveling as far as she can afford, and partaking of books in any form available.

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