Little Girl’s Bedroom Updated!


Submitted By: CheepMomma

Well, it turned out to be a MUCH bigger project than I anticipated, but it’s FINALLY done!! Just to make it seem even more awesome than it is….here is the before…
(Notice the grimy line in the blue paint where the wallpaper border used to be!)
(Notice the filth on the wall above the register!)
(Taking the light switch plate immediately made me gag! SO GROSS!!)
And the amazing after…

It’s like a breath of fresh air now! We really didn’t realize how disgusting the walls were until we moved her furniture out to paint. On the day we moved in, we were so concerned with getting the girls’ rooms unpacked first so that they could take naps and have somewhere to escape to amid all the craziness that we didn’t notice the grime on the walls. We really don’t think the room had been painted in 40+ years. Plus, we didn’t even hang anything on her walls, because we knew we would just have to patch the holes when we painted. I really didn’t think it would take over 6 months to get to her room, but it did. And part of the reason it took so long is because I had the bright idea to make this “little” pennant banner…
All together, I sewed 110 of them. I thought I was never going to finish! But once I got started, I couldn’t give up!! Most of the fabrics were from my stash and my mother-in-law contributed the rest from her AMAZING stash. I really love the way they turned out! While painting the walls, I started to get a little nervous that the yellow was going to be too blah for her. (For those of you who have met Maelie, you will know immediately that “blah” is NOT a word that would ever describe her!) But as soon as we got the pennants up, the whole room came alive!
I think the room really fits her personality and will be a great room for a BIG girl (although I am trying very hard to make her promise to be a baby forever). I did have a sad moment when the changing table moved out, but I powered through and had a great time arranging her books on the bookshelf. I even moved her christening gown (made by Lolly) out to be on display. Both of the girls wore it on their special days, so it’s even more special. Eventually, I want to get the gown and the outfit that they both wore home from the hospital framed. But until then, I really like being able to see something that they both once swam in!
I think Maelie really likes her new room too. She slept longer last night than she has for the last 2 weeks, so I’d say it’s got everyone’s stamp of approval!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. It is such a beautiful, cheerful room now! Love it. Makes me want to redo my daughters room in yellow, especially since its her favorite color now! Great Job! 🙂

  2. What a gorgeous room you have created! I love it:) Of course, yellow is one of my favorite colors for walls:)

    Thanks for sharing with us!