Black and White Master Bedroom Reveal

This is a fun master bedroom makeover with gorgeous black and white accents.

Submitted By: Raising Up Rubies

Hi! I’m Jaime…and so honored to be here at Remodelaholic!

I guess I’m a little bit of this and a little bit of that… Blessed with the privilege of raising two girls and a wife to a handsome hubby… I don’t think I’ve met a craft I don’t like!  Along with re-modeling our house that we bought six years ago, I keep pretty busy! One of the last rooms we remodeled was out master bed…I wished we would have thought to do it first, since it’s now such a room full of rest and relaxation for us! It was a lot of work, but fun fun fun!

Take a peek…

i’m super ambitious about starting new projects…i totally over do it…then i’m burnt out

i want to be more simple

and i think over the course of this past year, that’s really changed for me 🙂

i’m learning how to use my time for the things that are important

i’m learning how important it is to stay on top of things

meal planning, cleaning, laundry, filing…

if i just take the time to maintain those things, then i’m not staring at a huge pile of paper to shred, or maybe a meal that’s not be started and it’s going on 6:30 (yikes)

(i’m a really bad procrastinator too)

so in an effort to keep my self disciplined and stay on top of things, I wanted to show you some more of the love i put into our home…then have you hold me accountable for the “loose ends”

that are still waiting for me to get busy!

this is a sweet little tour of our master bedroom that we worked on last year…i wanted to make it a resting place for both of us…quiet & romantic 🙂

so often the little things in marriage are lost in the busyness of life or the raising of our kids…

those little things are the things i wanted to capture in this room

(even if it’s when you’re completely exhausted

and you can barley keep your eyes open to enjoy them)

come on in and see ♥

this room when we purchased the house 6 years ago…

the chandy is from Home Depot…the ceiling medallion was made from an old mirror frame and some batting & fabric…i want to share how i did it with you soon 🙂

this dresser was a goodwill find

here it was waiting to be helped 🙂 i got it for 39.99 folks…

spray paint + lace + hardware = ♥

hubs built this simple frame and covered it with radiator metal
as a way to camoflauge the satellite box and still have the remote signal work

is anyone interested in instructions for this?

i’m sure he has plans…if i didn’t lose them 🙂

it still needs something on top of it to sort of help it blend in…

i’m searching for old books at yard sales

maybe some white vases next to it too?

take a peek around this corner…it’s all things pretty ♥

found the desk at a yard sale for $10 the stool too…but that still needs to be recovered

i have the lace to make a skirt around the bottom of the desk,

to look more fancy instead of office-ish

the spider hook for the scarves is from Hobby Lobby

these window treatments & most of the pillows were made with vintage hankies and linens that were thrifted or given to me (by family who knows i like old stuff 🙂

these white lamps? used to be this:

the major renovation done to this room (building wise) was the board & batten wall behind the bed, hubs added crown molding to act as a shelf to hold frames & candles ♥

now that pretty dresser from before…well that’s mine

this is my hubs and it need something  above it…

thinking it’s going to involve maps 🙂

just a few details…

MasterBed To-Do List:

map art above dresser

line dresser drawers

some sort of lace added to corners of canopy

pearl tie backs for canopy panels

recover stool & make skirt for vanity

thanks  for spending some time with me!

i hopefully with have the craft table plans up soon

along with some new photos on my ♥about page

come back and check it out!

Check out these other gorgeous master bedrooms!


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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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    1. Patrice!
      thank you! we mounted the panels to the ceiling with basic curtain rods…the rods are held with white coated cup hooks that are screwed into the ceiling (with anchors of course, just in case 🙂 that’s it!
      ♥ much love

  1. Beautiful. Please share about the wonderful white punched metal box covering the cable box….. I NEED that!!

    1. Jerri, thanks so much!
      …isn’t it the neatest thing?! I can take no credit for it…the hubs came up with it on his own…he basically built a frame that fit around the satellite box then used radiator sheet metal to cover it…folding and nailing where needed 🙂
      I’ve been buggin’ him to write up some plans for it, and hopefully I will post it over on my blog soon…come back and check!
      ♥ loves!

  2. Wow Jaime – it’s stunning! Very romantic – very grown up – very serene with the vintage touches and colors you chose. You may have left it for last but you outdid yourself on the transformation! I agree – covering the ugly cable box with radiator covers was brilliant – kudos to hubby!

  3. Hi, I would really love to know how your hubby made the cable box cover, need to make one ASAP! Thank you;)

  4. I’d love plans for the cable/satelite box cover. Our entertainment center in the living room is an old dresser and the ugly cable box is killing me. Thank you so much!

      1. I would love the plans for the satellite box also!!!!! I have been looking (and frustrated) trying to find a solution…Genius idea!!!

  5. I would love to duplicate the mirrored “love” as well and the frames/ mirrors. Where did you find those items?

  6. Dear Cassity,

    Really loved your bedroom makeover, it has left me so inspired! I have been looking for a small TV cabinet for almost a year just to hide the ugly cable box. But your radiator box idea is absolutely wonderful, can’t beat anything! Plllleeeease could you share how your hubby made it? What did he do to build the frame and how did you bend the metal sheets neatly over the frame?

    Looking fwd to hear from you.


    1. Hi Aditi! I wish we could take credit for this, but this was one of our awesome guests! If you’ll head over to her blog (linked at the top of the post) then you can ask her and hopefully she can answer! Thanks for reading!

    1. Hi Brian,
      This is a post from a guest, so you’ll have to click over to their blog (linked toward the top) and ask there. Sorry I can’t be more help!

    1. Hi Charity,
      We don’t on our site, but our guest who shared this might! You can click over to her site and check it out (linked at the top of the post).

  7. I would love instructions on the satellite box!!! I will have to adjust it a little- since I need the front to open for a DVD player…. but it’s absolutely GORGEOUS and is exactly what I’m looking for!!!