Ceiling Medallion Wall Art For Bedroom Makeover

Find out how ceiling medallion wall art for bedroom makeover looks in this recent feature. With brown walls, white trim and colored furniture, this room is really nice to look at.


Submitted By I’m Busy Procrastinating


Greetings!  I’m Hollie from I’m Busy Procrastinating.  As you may have guessed from my blog title, I’m a master procrastinator.  Cassity and all the rest of you in blogland present me with such pretty design photos and such intriguing projects that I wonder how I’m ever supposed to leave my computer.  On the other hand, seeing what everyone has accomplished motivates me to push myself.  In fact, that’s why I started blogging.  I figured if I put myself out there and promised to share projects with my readers, I couldn’t get away with slacking off!

We built our home to resemble a Craftsman bungalow from the 1920s.  The bones of the house fit right in with that era, but I’ve incorporated my classic/modern/industrial decorating style so that our home feels fresh and youthful and modern.  I usually start with neutral backdrops, but add pops of color with graphic prints, art, and accessories.  Quirkiness intrigues me, so I like to incorporate something a little different than the norm when I decorate.

One space I’m happy to have complete is our master bedroom makeover.  The transformation took over a year, with many small steps and many projects along the way, like using my trusty paint sprayer to give furniture new life, or hanging ceiling medallions on the wall as an art installation.

Of course, I’ll never feel like my bedroom is complete and perfect.  Who does??  But it’s as done as it’s going to be for now, which calls for an official tour.  Now don’t get too excited.  If you’ve been around a while or explored my blog, you’ve probably seen all the parts – just not together at the same time.  But you can get a little excited.  If nothing else, you can be excited for me that I get to mark something off my to-blog list!
So … at long last … come on in!


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Rarely can you find our bed without at least one of our four kitties on it.  Domino was not phased that there was a photo shoot going on during her nap time.

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Our bedroom color palette is so soft and sweet that I decided to throw in a pop of color with the red pillow.


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Above is the wood stained nightstand my mom gave me, which I painted turquoise for The Mr.’s side of the bed.  I love the details as well as the glass knobs and pulls I added.  Below are the console table I turned into a writing desk, as well as the faux bamboo chair I recovered.  Both, obviously, I also painted turquoise.  Although the furniture pieces on either side of the bed are very different, the color and the glass hardware ties them together.


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The bedding I changed last summer and never shared with you.  It was one of those posts I started to write but never got back to it, and totally forgot about until too much time had passed.

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This is my sweet kitty Gypsy.  Doesn’t she look precious?  You’d never know she poops under our upstairs windows at least every other day.  TMI?


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Since the walls are so dark (Benjamin Moore’s Branchport Brown), and since we don’t get much light in this room on our wooded lot, I wanted the furniture to be light and bright.  The mirrors above the bed also help bounce light around.


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The linen-upholstered, nailhead-trimmed bed is a copycat of Crate & Barrel’s Colette Bed, which is a favorite of many.  This one is much better priced, and the quality is all there!  I have been so happy with it.  And I love that the whole bed frame is upholstered, rather than just the headboard.


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The mirrors above the bed are the Dubois Mirrors from Crate and Barrel.  They’re a #&%$@ to hang (and I notice now that one of them is slightly askew), but I love the look.


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Did you spy Sir Octopus above?  This is the room where he landed for good, after much debate.  I have a small dresser/chest that I’ve been considering sitting below Sir Octopus, but is that too much furniture for one room?

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Our back deck is outside those windows in the photo above.  Did you notice we don’t have any window treatments, by the way?  The Mr. and I disagree on that choice, just so you know.  We love our simple Shaker/Craftsman-style window trim, and he can’t bring himself to cover it.  Luckily we live on a wooded lot and nobody can see in our house unless they’re really trying.  As much as I love seeing right out to the trees when I wake up, especially on a snowy morning, I’d rather add window treatments to “finish out” the room.  We don’t have any window treatments in our house, if you can believe it!


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You may notice that while the nightstand, console table and bamboo chair, dresser, and side table are all painted, I chose to leave the chest of drawers as stained wood.  I think it’s important to balance the painted with the wood finish.  One thing that’s the same for all our bedroom furniture is that it’s up on legs.  I love furniture with legs!  My kitties like to hide under it, too.

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My glossy lipstick red side table is the second shot of red to jazz up the room.  And I love my pinwheel pillow on the blue chair.  The blue chair, however, I could do without.  Someday I’d like to have a big wingback chair I could sink down into.  Z Gallerie has an amazing turquoise leather-esque chair with nailheads that I drool over.

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I’m still so pleased with my ceiling medallions.  They really filled up the wall above, which used to be completely blank and boring.  I could even add more down the wall if I wanted to, but I like that there’s a bit of empty space.  Originally I planned on painting them various shades of soft blue/turquoise, but I like the way the current white color goes with the dresser, the door and the trim.  I think if they were blue, it may be too much blue in the room.

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My wish list item for this room is hardwood floors.  When we built the house, we put in hex tiles in our laundry room and master bath, carpet in our bedroom and closet, and hardwood everywhere else.  We thought carpet would be much more comfortable to walk on in our bedroom, especially on cold mornings.  However, as plush as the carpet looked when it first went in four years ago, it has not held up well.  It would be such a pain to clear out all the furniture from the room (where in the world would we put it?).  And I don’t think The Teen would appreciate getting booted from his bedroom so we could sleep in his queen bed and stick him with the twin bed in the guest room for a few days.  The inconveniences scare me more than the cost, to be honest!

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I am the husband of the amazing Cassity of Remodelaholic. I love to problem solve and to design and build things inside and outside the house to make life better. I am a professional Landscape Architect by trade and love the outdoors.

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  1. I Love the room. We have somewhat of an opposite look going on- the blue on the walls and trying to tone it down with whites and browns. I love the peaceful look of the blue. I love your lamp and knobs on the side tables. the medallion art and sir octupus look awesome. What plant is on hubby’s nightstand? Is it easy to maintain? Looking for a plant for our master as well. Great job.

    1. Hi, Danielle. You can find lots of online retailers that sell nice ceiling medallions. I found the best size/style/price combinations for me at Crown-Molding.com and ArchitecturalDepot.com. Make sure you get the resin ones from places like that, not the plastic ones that Lowe’s and Home Depot sell.

      1. Hi Hollie,

        I’m getting ready to use medallions for my accent bedroom wall and was doing research. I came across your page from 2012 and you say not to use the plastic ones. Can you tell me why? I haven’t gone physically looking yet but was curious. I’m probably going to be painting them 2 shades lighter than the accent wall but was curious if the resin versus plastic was a preference or necessity?

        Beautiful room!

  2. Beautiful room, love the dark walls and light furniture and accessories!

    Re: Gypsy (I have 10 rescues), do you have two litter boxes? Covered, uncovered? Cats in the neighborhood that frequent outside that window? She could be “marking”, she could also need another litter box. Change in litter? She’s trying to tell you something obviously. Hate to suggest it, but put a litter box in that spot?

    1. Hi, Marty. Your profile pic with your two tuxedo kitties is so cute. I have four rescues, and four litter boxes — all in different places around the house. They are cleaned out frequently. All boxes are uncovered, and large (some super-large). She’s always had intestinal issues, but I won’t go into any more detail on here! She’s a sweetie, and I wish she could talk to me about it!

  3. Love this space and Hollie is just so cool, I love her blog. This room ticks so many boxes for me – the contrast of dark and light, the mix of old and new, the touch of sparkle and glamour and the relaxed energy about it without looking stuffy at all. Add a couple of gorgeous kitties and I’m pretty much in heaven.


  4. where did you find the upholstered bed. love it and have been searching for something like this.

  5. This is wonderful! I have been planning on doing this for the last year and with all my moving haven’t been able to! Thanks for the re-inspiration! gorgeous, gorgeous room!

  6. Awesome job with the medallions. I especially like how you put the floral medallion slightly off to itself, really creates an interesting look. We bought faux beams from a company that sells the resin medallions…time for me to give them a call! Great job with the room!

  7. I have the same question that someone else already posted. I know it sounds silly, but how did you hang the medallions on the wall??


    1. You can use an architectural adhesive such as Loctite PL Premium Advanced! They’ll stay in place with no nails needed. 🙂