Gorgeous Master Bedroom Makeover


Submitted By Buhay At Bahay (Live And Home)


You probably all have seen what our current master  bedroom looks like, but before that the bedroom looked like this…

Orange Madness – literally!

As you can see, this room was not cut out to be a “dream” room. The color alone can “wake you” up all the time! Bright colors should be reserved for kids rooms (in my opinion). The blinds are all destroyed by the former owners dogs, all chewed out!

Not better

You can see the Swamp, i mean, swimming pool outside from this angle…

one more time

So one weekend, this is what I did…


Using FROG TAPE, and BHER paint, I repainted over the orange. I changed the blinds (C/o Lowe’s Bali blinds). Originally, I wanted plantation shutters, but the cost would be too outrageously expensive that I opted for this cheaper but nice version of blinds.

accent wall

I added these two columns on both side of the bed to add some interest. Again, with just the use of frog tape.


I added curtains from JC Penny and like the neutral stripes to give the window area a little “oomph”. The wall color changes from light blue to light green to bluish-grey depending on the time of day. All very soothing and relaxing colors for a good nights sleep.

Wanna sleep now….

I think the wall treatment was just the right touch of accent for this area. I didn’t want it to look too busy, I want calm but not drab. The beddings are from TJ Maxx ($25) as well as the fleece blanket. The throw pillows are from Target ($8/each) and the neck roll ($5) is from Burlington coat factory – all on clearance! The Floor lamp ($49) is from Big Lots and the lamp shade is from Home depot. Art work ($39) from TJ Maxx as well.

Latest look

And of course this is what you recently just saw on my latest update.  The lamp on Gerson’s side was an antique store find at $8 – it is soooo beautiful, with a Jonathan Adler-feel to it once you see it up close it’s made up of brass and wood, a real score! The shade was mine, bought years ago from “Land of Nod Outlet ” (yup, the Childrens store by Crate and barrel) for $5. The recliner (which I just changed by the way – my Xmas gift to my hubby) was a hand-me-down from a friend. The rug is from Dwell Studio, which along with the throw are the most expensive stuff in this room but I think totally worth every penny.

There you have it, a breakdown and lowdown on our room.

Again, it’s all about waiting, being patient and finding the right price for things. Easily changeable stuff need not be expensive (E.g. pillows, art, bedding etc.) but you can buy a little bit of luxuries here and there. Whatever makes you happy and you like to look at all the time, buy it.

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I am the husband of the amazing Cassity of Remodelaholic. I love to problem solve and to design and build things inside and outside the house to make life better. I am a professional Landscape Architect by trade and love the outdoors.

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  1. I Love the color. Curious as to exactly what it is from Behr. Just bought paint for my son’s room yesterday, and I was looking for the same kind of color. My little guy has informed that he hates Gray so I was looking for a little bit of mix. Love the curtains too!

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you for featuring our bedroom!!! I really appreciate YOU GUYS appreciating our work! 🙂