Great Looking Storage: Wooden Antique Crate with Casters

Great Looking Storage: Wooden Antique Crate with Casters
A few months ago,  I was at a tiny little flea market looking for goodies.  Nothing was calling my name. Sometimes it happens, you come home from a flea market empty handed.  (My husband is probably reading this and saying to himself “When does she evercome home empty handed?”)
So.. as I was getting ready to leave the market empty handed, I saw it…
An old but perfect wooden crate (click on photo and you can see it tucked in under my sofa table).
I asked the seller “how much?” and she told me she didn’t think it was for sale! She explained to me that it was her packing crate for bringing her breakable dishes to the flea market.
Honestly, I don’t know what’s worse, seeing a ‘sold’ sign on something you really really want or being told an item you want to buy is not for sale.. ugh!!
I got really lucky when the seller’s husband overheard our conversation and he decided to sell me the wooden crate. Thank goodness for husbands!! I think I paid $15.00. (Note: the wheels did not come on the crate.. discussion to follow).
Things I love about this crate, first off would be the color of the wood. The tone of the pine is soft but warm and not orange. It has no water stains, no mold, and is really sturdy.
Best doesn’t smell. Been there, done that!
I love the wood grain, the graphic writing, even the font they used! (what this font is called?) 
I also love how deep the writing is impressed into the wood


Pine knots, roughness, and old nails

Love the side supports


So, back to the wheels which I added recently. I had a set stored in my garage waiting for the perfect project. Since this box gets heavy with all my magazines neatly organized inside {I mean thrown in}, I figured the wheels would help me move the crate around.  As you get to know me you will understand my obsession with moving everything around, constantly! 
The wheels were very rusty and I was concerned about damaging my carpet. I purchased some rust cleaner and had to soak the wheels in a bucket for three days! Even after a good soak and scrub, there was still some remaining rust. One of my friends suggested I spray the wheels with a clear protective sealant. It worked perfectly. I have no rust on the carpet.



These wheels are bigger and heavier than they appear. I had my husband pilot drill the holes and we used short screws so they would not penetrate into the inside of the crate.


Every so often, I have to empty the box and purge my magazine collection.. This is an actual picture of my room today...magazines all over the floor.. which inspired me to do this post…


Love that I can store so many magazines and books out of sight! And now with wheels, I can drag my magazine storage crate from room to room… oh, who am I kidding, it’s way too heavy… 
It just looks better together with the wheels, don’t-cha think?
I hope this will inspire you to add wheels to something.

Also Check out these posts for great uses for antique crates:
Vintage Crates for BookCases
Chicken Crate Coffee Table
Make your Own Wooden Crates

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >How fun…I'm sure glad you didn't leave empty handed…those are great! I have my magazines in chinese antique wooden baskets with handles, but I'm loving those wheels.
    Susan : )