Chevron Pattern Painted Wall

Melissa at Veranda Interiors worked up a way to do a chevron pattern painted wall.

So I decided on a Chevron pattern for the half wall in the stairwell, it was a bit more work than the stripes but so much fun and I just love it, especially the color, Pratt & Lambert French Blue.

IMG_5456.jpg picture by mamanzardo

Here is the terrible ‘Before’ pic from when we first took possession of the cabin. Unfortunately you can’t see the nasty stained carpet that was on the stairwell, why is it we
never take great ‘Before’ images??

n656745200_2863492_8415.jpg picture by mamanzardo

I found THIS link when searching for easy ways to get the template down for the pattern. After starting with the first row I then got out the level and started taping off each line, then simply cutting out the sections that were not needed.
Needless to say there was some trial and error till I got my grove.
 IMG_5452.jpg picture by mamanzardo

Here is the ‘After’ pic. We still need to hang all of the art work that I have collected for the upper portion of the wall and finish accessorizing the area, but it is getting there. A bit of paint and some penitence has really helped transform the once blah area into a fun space…

 n656745200_2863492_8415.jpg picture by mamanzardo   IMG_5457-1.jpg picture by mamanzardoAll images my own

Now I am going to try and convince Rob to take down the light so I can paint the metal parts bright red…but I will not hold my breath on that one since it is less than a year old. 

Hope your weekend was filled with laughter, enjoy your day!! Mel 🙂

Way cool chevron pattern painted wall!  

I love that look.  What a fun idea!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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