Tween Bedroom With Polka Dot Walls!

Check out how polka dots on the walls can make the perfect tween bedroom! An amazingly adorable  idea that a 9 year old and mom can both agree on! Also check out that ultra cute “peace” bedspread!


Submitted By Faith’s Place

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My name is Paige from Faith’s Place. There are many things in life I love, and decorating is one of them. I am always looking for inexpensive and fun ways to decorate my home. I can’t take credit for the creative things I have done in my home….I’m most creative when I copy others! ha! But I do enjoy making our house a home, and seeing it transform from drab to shab! When I saw a polka dotted wall on another blog, I HAD to have one….and my 9 year old was totally on board with me.

I’ve been working on and off for a while on my 9 year old daughter’s room.

She came to me one day and said she was tired of pink walls…that she was too old for pale pink walls. Of course, I didn’t think so…..are we ever too old for PINK??!?!? ;(

So, slowly, I brought myself around to the fact that she IS growing up, and maybe having pale pink walls is not the “coolest” thing to have…..


I mean, what was wrong with this room?!?…

This was her room before…yes, it’s pale pink, but oh so cute. I really hated to change it.

So, I started searching around for ideas that we both could agree on.

That’s when I came across Emily Clark’s Blog…and saw this picture pinned on Pinterest…



Now, we’re talking. I loved it. My 9 year old loved it. Perfect! SO I went to work, and used the wall as my inspiration.

Then my daughter came to me and said she wanted this bedding for her room..

She’s really into peace signs…and I’m a sucker for polka dots…AND this would totally help pull off the polka dotted wall I had planned.

Another Win-Win situation for us both.

SO, I went to work…slowly but surely…because by this time, my morning sickness from my third pregnancy had kicked in and the thought of doing anything but laying on the couch trying to keep food down, was out of the question.

Then the morning sickness never went away….and the slow process on the room got even slower…..

So, I slowly worked on her room as I could….

And here I am….9 months pregnant…and am JUST at a point where I can say her room is finished. There are a few things I still want to do in here, but now I am just too big and miserable to do it. Soooo, without further hesitation, here is my updated daughter’s room…fit for a peace sign lovin’, pale pink hatin’ 9 year old girl…..










(One wall is chocolate brown, while the rest are a khaki color)



You can read more about the cute lampshade HERE

Here are a few more shots of the room….doesn’t it look like a FUN room?!?


(Window seat with storage for toys)

($4 Goodwill chair. Spray painted and recovered)

SO, there you have it. A non-pink “cool” tween room for a 9 year old…and I was even still able to keep a little pink in it without her getting upset!

Even though there are a few things left to do in here (make a bed skirt and throw pillows for the bed) I don’t see me getting them done before this baby gets here. Trying to get a nursery ready and redo this room has exhausted me. I think I will wait on the bed skirt and throw pillows!!!


Bedding:Potter Barn Teen

Wall Dots

Bulletin Board :Lowe’s (had it cut to a 4x4ft piece….painted the squares on myself

Chair : Goodwill…$4…spray painted it and recovered the seat with scrap fabric I already had

No new furniture was bought for her room..we simply moved what we already had around…she got some of the guest room furniture, and an old antique desk that was in another part of the house.

Here are some more amazing bedrooms to adore:

_MG_8869blog logo bedroom pink american clay 3_thumb[5]

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. As a mom of 2 boys, my heart goes pitter patter for the before, but I love the after, too! Such a dramatic change! Love the polka dotted wall! And the long window seat is terrific! Thanks for sharing.

  2. this looks great good job! whats the paint name that you used? i love how rich the colour turned out. may i suggest using a brighter light to enhance the room just a tad bit, that way the room appears to be more open!

  3. I absolutely love your make- over. It’s exactly the idea we have been looking for, for my daughter’s bedroom. She is also into peace signs. Do you have a pattern that we could follow to make one up?

    1. I don’t, but this is a guest post, so you can click over to the original blog (linked up toward the top of the post) and ask there. Thanks!

  4. What color of wall dots did you use? Love, love, love the room! Also, what color of dark paint did you use on the wall behind the dots?