Using Photographs In Your Decorating

Using Photographs in your Decorating

Party highlight by Maple & Magnolia

We have a blank, boring wall at the top of the stairs.  I’ve just never gotten around to hanging anything there.  Today I created a mini gallery wall/vignette to fill the space.
When we go on vacation, my husband and I like to wander off the beaten path. We went to Italy this summer and we did all the “touristy” things, but what we really enjoyed was meandering through the residential areas.  In Venice, I snapped dozens of photos of doors, windows and architectural elements that caught my eye.  I gathered several of them to create a small gallery wall at the top of our stairs.
The photos of the photos themselves aren’t very clear so here they are close-up!
1 vintage awesome images 2 vintage awesome images 3 vintage awesome images 4 vintage awesome images 5 vintage awesome images 6 vintage awesome images
I headed to IKEA and got 5 brown Ribba frames. You just can’t beat IKEA for cheap picture frames that don’t look cheap.  With the exception of the hangers on the back.  They are crap-ola.  So I just attached some sawtooth hangers. Trust me, it will make your life much easier if you are hanging several! I popped the photos into the frames, and hung them in an arrangement that I liked.  Sidenote…I suffer from a decorating affliction called symmetryism as you will see.  Everything has to be balanced or it bugs me.
Sorry about the bad photo. Here it is:
I added  some Pottery Barn keys that I’ve had forever.  I topped it off with an iron piece to tie it all together.  The doors, keys, wood and metal in both the photos, the frames and decorative elements all relate to one another so that it’s a cohesive arrangement. Me likey. :)
7 vintage awesome images
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Great pictures. The whole wall display looks really nice. I'm with you on having wall art that means something and isn't mass produced. That is why I'm still trying to figure out what to do on a few of our walls.

  2. >Me likey too! 🙂 We took a trip recently and I took photos of some awesome olden doors! 🙂 I thought you had stolen some of my pictures! 🙂
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia 😉

  3. >I am completely inspired by this idea!! I love taking random pictures of things, but I was never quite sure what to do with them… looking at a photo album full of photos of "things" is never that interesting.. thanks for the inspiration!!


  4. >How ironic! I did the EXACT same thing when we went to England last year. I was taking close ups of all the architectural features, numbers over doors, door knobs, ancient weather vanes on top of all buildings….all in high hopes of printing them in black and white and slapping them on stretcher canvas frames. Maybe I should just send YOU all my 2700 photos Ü