Delicious and Easy Superfood Smoothies


You can hardly have a conversation about food these days that doesn’t involve the topic eating gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, or all of the above and then some (Paleo).  In my house, we’re ‘doing our best’ to just say no to these temptations as often as possible so on most mornings, I start everyone off with a super healthy smoothie.


Delicious and Easy Superfood Smoothies


Here’s 5 simple steps to starting your day off with a delicious superfood smoothie!

1.     The base of the smoothie is the same each time; I start with coconut water (which is low in calories and loaded with potassium). Coconut milk or unsweetened vanilla almond milk are a good alternative.  Because I’m serving up a small army of people (I have 3 kids and a smoothie lovin’ husband) I use 16 oz of liquid total. But 8 oz is more than enough if you’re making a ‘solo’ smoothie.


2.     Next up is spinach.  Yes, spinach!  I swear if you portion these out right you won’t taste it at all.  ‘Lightly’ pack it to the top of your blender.


3.     From there add about 1- 1 ½  cups (total) of your chosen goodies.  Here’s a few combos that have been a huge hit in our house (if none of your fruit is frozen be sure to toss in a handful of ice cubes):


·      Bananas and frozen blueberries (shown in picture below)

·      Mango, raspberries and frozen pineapple

·      Strawberries and bananas

·      Strawberries and frozen pineapple

·      Sometimes I add a scoop of almond butter or even whole almonds to my combos…be creative!


4.     Blend away (for at least 30 seconds).  Make sure you have no whole leaves left on the top.


5.     Serve and enjoy!!!



***Bonus Tip: Rinse your blender out right away, and your glass as soon as your done – otherwise the spinach becomes impossible to clean off!


If dairy isn’t banned from your list you might want to try this tropical smoothie as an alternative.


Author: Jennifer Faris is a photographer, writer, mom of 3 littles and wife to a rock star (at least in her eyes). You can see more of her work at and follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram.

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