Pink and Navy Girl’s Room Idea

Well, lately I have been thinking a lot about Etta’s room.  We are in the middle of our kitchen, remodel so I can’t get working on it yet, but I girl can always make plans right?   I’ve been thinking mostly about colors. 

Etta has made it clear to me that she wants a pink bedroom.  I have no problem giving her the color she wants, but I am going to put a little bit of my opinion in the mix and add some navy. So let’s do a little mommy reconnaissance right now with you to show you what I have in mind, ta da:  (okay not a living room, but do you see what I mean?)  I love these colors together!

Pink and navy living room


Picking colors can be overwhelming.  Whenever I show you great options of colored rooms on the blog,  I get a lot of comments like, “I wish I were brave enough to try that…” or “I’ve been trying to decide on a color for months to paint my (fill in the blank)” And I have been there before too, no one wants to have to paint a room twice.  Who has the time for that? 

So, I think it is timely that I just I found out about the new tool at (a great place for learning about color and color inspiration) called Color My Room.   Color My Room allows you to upload a photo of a room in your home and preview any Glidden paint color on your walls! 

Say what? Yeah! It is like shopping for clothes and trying them on in the dressing room before actually committing to the purchase (or time for that matter that goes into painting!)! So here is how it works!

Coor You Room Tool Glidden

Hop over to Color My Room, sign in and get started!

Get Started button

You select a photo you want to manipulate and a palette to use and then you just draw an outline of the space you want to convert and paint.   The program takes you through step by step so it isn’t hard.
cropping your spaceEasy as that.
Since Etta’s room is in the middle of construction, I will show you how I fooled around with the palettes of a room with a picture I have loved for a few years.   I can’t remember which magazine it came from or when I got it in the mail, but it was love at first site!  I LOVE this space.  What is not to love? There is a built in bed, book shelves and color…   But since we are thinking of a different color story for etta’s room, let me show you how I changed it to look exactly like I want:
pink bedroom 
And here is what I did to test color in the room after a few go rounds, with two separate palettes on My Colortopia:
Pink and Navy bedroom updates
It is pretty easy!  Now, you never have to be scared of color again!…
And because fooling around with the color palette of that room, just got me giddy for the plans I have check out the other great pink and navy inspiration pictures I’ve been collecting!

What do you think about how easy it is to test out new colors in your spaces? 

And do you like the pink and navy color plans for Etta’s room?

I have been sponsored by Glidden® brand paint to write this post but the thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I really like the navy and pink color combination. They go together so well. I am in the process of trying to update my daughters room only on paper for now.

  2. Pretty colors and very cool tools. That little girl’s bedroom is awesome as well! I believe Centsational Girl just re-did her office in these colors. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

    1. I know! Kate is amazing, but I promise, I have been planning on the color scheme for a while. Well before I saw her post! Which is one of the reasons I decided to post about it now rather than wait til we get the space done and it looks like I am just jumping on the bandwagon!

  3. I love pink and blue together! I love the hardwood floors and geometric rug in the Sarah Catherine Designs room with the little pops of pink.
    Great photos!

  4. I really do love the pink and navy together. The pillows are super cute. The only thing i am not sure of, are the dark navy walls. Maybe one wall in navy as an accent color. the entire room navy is to dark for a little girl. Just my opinion.

    1. I agree with the room being dark for my liking, but I guess if there is a lot of natural light it wouldn’t be a problem! But I love how the colors work off each other!

  5. I love these colors together and what a cute bed! I have tons of red in my house and am always trying to choose more colors to go with it (besides black). So gonna try this approach!

  6. Yes! I have loved navy and pink (especially ‘hot’ pink, as my daughter would say). I even have a Pinterest board devoted to the color combination. I, too, have the same built-in bed image pinned for my one-day little girl room. Great ideas all around!

  7. I love the pink and navy blue together!! It definately is girly, but with a modern hint of grown up in it. Love it!! Can’t wait to see the pics!!

  8. I love all your decorating tips and ideas. I have been looking for awhile for a area rug for my living room exactly like the black and white one you have pictured here. Where would I find this one?