Peep Pops Valentines

Does it strike anyone else as funny how items like candy corns are now available for every holiday just in different colors… I mean, from a business standpoint it makes sense, you have a product people love, might as well sell it year round… And one of those items that is now available for every holiday is Peeps!  Have you seen the variety… holy cow!   I bought some great option at Christmas!

Well, since it is almost valentines, obviously they have some for Valentines, a pink heart flavored like strawberry crème, and they are GOOD!  All in caps, people- they’re good!  And they are even better dipped in white chocolate. 

Originally, I wanted to make a cake pop for valentines… and I may still make some, but when I saw these peeps, I thought, heck I could make a little heart pop with them and they would be good, and no baking would be involved. 

So I grabbed a few supplies:

Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles2 (8)chocolate covered peep pops

White Chocolate Covered Peep Pops

Strawberry Crème Heart Peeps
4-5 blocks of White Almond Bark (or chocolate)
Pink Sprinkles (or lettering frosting)
Lollipop Sticks
Styrofoam Block
Instructions: Melt the almond bark according to the directions (you will have extra, but it is easier to dip with a lot) Carefully cut your peeps apart.  Take a lollipop stick, insert it into the bottom point of the heart till it reaches the center of the marshmallow.  Remove the stick and dip it into the almond bark. reinsert it into the marshmallow.  Allow the almond bark to harden(if you skip this step your marshmallows will be to heavy and break through their lollipop sticks!   Dip the peep into the almond bark (reheated if necessary) tapping the tick on the edge of the bowl to remove excess.  Over a plate, sprinkle with sprinkles, if using.  Stand in Styrofoam block to harden.  (** you could but some lettering frosting and draw little conversation heart messages on the hearts after they’ve hardened too!)
Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles (1)  Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles (2)
Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles (5)  Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles (6)
Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles (7)  Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles (9)

I just let my girls eat the pops, (not all of them)… we each had about two.  they LOVED them!  And asked for them around the clock for about 3 days afterward.

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Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles (15)

Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles (18)

Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles (22)

Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles (16)

Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles (17)

Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles (23)

Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles (20)

 These would be great as a valentine gift.  Wrap them in a little gift bag with a bow and say something like “To My Favorite Peep”

Peep-Pops-valentine-dipped-marshmallows-white-chocolate-sprinkles3 (10)

You could make the valentines look something like these. 

Large Lillipop Photograph Valentine

You could do the photo lollipop valentine that I did last year

Heart Sucker Valenitne packaging

Put the valentine in the packaging.  Image source


Put the valentine on the lollipop stick. Image source, printable source.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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