Pesto Bruschetta Recipe



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Hi to all of Remodelaholic’s friends! I’m Ruthie from What’s Cooking with Ruthie where I love to share a variety of recipes, gardening, DIY/crafts, and a little of “What’s Cookin’ ” around our house!

1 what's cooking with Ruthie

I’m really excited to share this delicious Pesto Bruschetta recipe with all of you today!

We grow a beautiful garden… have a look at How our garden grows from seeds to harvesting this year. About this time of year I’m trying to figure out what to do with all of our abundant harvest! We share a lot with family and friends AND I get to come up with fun recipes for our family to enjoy. We planted 6 Basil plants this year and everyone of them is just as happy as can be- which means we have a lot of Fresh Basil!

AND with all that Fresh Basil I just had to whip up some fresh Homemade Pesto sauce…

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It is wonderful… just about the best thing you’ll ever taste. While I was at it I made a delicious Pesto Chicken and Veggie Saute over whole grain pasta for dinner too, so you must go check that out too!

There are so many ways healthy and delicious ways to incorporate that amazing pesto recipe. Did I mention that it is super simple too? YES, it is… just a few ingredients and a blender and you’re good to go!

Pesto Bruschetta Recipe

1 French baguette

1 recipe homemade pesto

12 cherry tomatoes, sliced

6 slices fresh mozzarella cheese, cut in thirds

olive oil cooking spray


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Slice baguette 1/4 inch thick slices, slightly angled. Place on a cooking sheet, spray with olive oil cooking spray. Bake 7-8 minutes or until lightly toasted.


Remove from oven and cool. When ready to serve, spread 1 tsp. pesto sauce on each baguette. Place a slice of mozzarella and two tomatoes slices on each baguette. Enjoy!

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Pesto Bruschetta is a savory appetizer that’s a lovely compliment to any meal. You will love how easy it is to make and how amazing it tastes too!


If you have a chance come check out these other delicious recipes for you to enjoy…

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Caprese Salad,  Mixed-Berry Crostata,  and Farfalle with Mushrooms and Spinach


I’m super excited to be a monthly contributor here at Remodelaholic… I just LOVE Cassity! I met her at Snap! a blogging conference last spring and she’s just as fabulous as you all think she is…

Thank you so much for letting me share some of “What’s Cookin’ “from our kitchen and look forward to sharing again with you next month!

Happy Cooking, Ruthie

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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