Park House Half Bath Reveal


Okay, so you have been with me all this time through the Park house’s half bath remodel… wanna see how it finally turned out?  GOOD, I totally want you to see it!  Bear in mind that the space is tiny and not well lit, so taking pictures, for this unprofessional photographer was hard!


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First let’s look at the before pictures from the night we moved in (and yes the mirror was filthy!) :

 <KENOX S730  / Samsung S730>

Inbetween, I threw some shelves and pictures up and called it,… well, we lived with it.


before bathroom plank wall tutorial


Half Bathroom Reveal!

I love how the mirror turned out.  Justin used a bunch of old scrap moldings and created this frame.  We fitted it into the space and I love how it stands out.  I am also really glad we added that little bit of planking above the mirror, since it makes that wall a little more special.

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I found a wire planter and hung it above the toilet to corral toilet paper… I thought it was a fun idea.

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The accent blue tile in the inlaid rug is the same color as the upper portion of the walls.  I was really pleased with the color, I actually just used some left over paint from the ceiling in my family room so $free paint made it even better! (The color didn’t photograph very well because of the lack of natural light and the vanity light washing it all out, SORRY!)

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I had ALL sorts of plans for the vanity, but when we found out we were moving and just had to finish the house  So I forced myself to stick to merely painting it.   I still love how the black turned out (by the way it is Martha Stewarts Silhouette Paint mixed in Behr, the same color as all the doors)


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And the view from the hall… Too bad we didn’t get to stay to enjoy it!  Ah, well such is the life of a Remodelaholic.

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Wanna see how we did this?  To see the rest of this bathroom transformation… check out half bathroom before, installing a pocket door, the inlaid tile rug and installing the new faucet.

For those who are interested here is the paint color that we used on the wall.  

park house half path and family room ceiling


What do you think of our half bathroom reveal?

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Ok. I’ve tried to find the perfect planter but yours is perfect. Where did you find it. The powder is darling btw! Thanks

  2. Hey,
    Love this half bath! What paint color did you do on the walls? Do you remember the brand name, etc?

  3. Oh my gosh I absolutely LOVE this! The crazy thing is I have the EXACT same bathroom!! I just re-did mine a few weeks ago on a $26.00 budget, so it was really only minor things like paint and decor. When I’m ready for a real remodel, I would love to do the planks and trim around the mirror like you did! Thanks so much for sharing!!
    Here’s my link if you want to take a peek:

    1. I got it at Kirklands. It is a a flower planter (like for under a window) I don’t think it is available anymore, but you could look around other places too!

  4. Curious how wide is this bathroom. I love it! I will follow you please answer size for me to see if mine can fit your design! Thanks!!

  5. Do you mind sharing the bathroom dimensions? We have a similar bathroom and are trying to decide if we could fit a pocket door to allow more sPace