Five Favorites; Organization

I am in the throes of finishing up our semi homemade Halloween costumes for the whole family!  I will hopefully(fingers crossed) tell you more about it later today!

I don’t know about you, but lately organization has been on my mind.  I know it is not new years yet, and this is not about resolutions it is about being comfortable in my home.  Right now, I am not – when it comes to organization….

I told you all about the mess we have in our kitchen… well that is even more exasperating at the moment with another large portion of the project in –well, mid project mode.  We are moving over the entrance door, but I will tell you more about that later. 

The hardest part of the move is all the extra stuff, with no home.  Things we use, or need I am not just talking hoarders here.   I no longer have a craft room, AND I no longer have an office… or my great wall of built ins (sob…) I work from home people, so I NEED an office space. I also have only one bathroom, yes one, so it need to be multi functioning, so far it is not!…

What exactly do I need storage for?

My jewelry

The girl’s hair bows… or as Lydia calls them Bow-Bows

All bathroom storage, medicine cabinet items

All kitchen items, food, plates… you name it

All office items, business documents, mail,

Magazines and books.

So yes, I’ve been thinking about how to organize my smaller space.

Here are five of my favorite ideas….

jewelry storage option

I love this ideas for my jewelry.  I have some doors that will be in the bathroom… (just as soon as we build them..) so this feels like a great option.  Found on Martha.

 Jewelry storage hidden behind a full length mirror

This storage option in hidden behind a full length mirror… I know how cool is that!

 slide out pantyr shelves

For the kitchen, I would REALLY love to have these slide out shelves.

 roll out drawers for under bed

For crafting supplies this might be an awesome option.  Also from Martha.

crafting area on the wall

Or this fun upcycle from a crib side.

 And for office storage… I really want a whole wall of built ins…. (again!)  Any of these options would make me happy for help in that area:

built in bookcases around doorway!

This could work for books magazines and office stuff.  LOVE The look!

built in hutch

I know this is in a bathroom, but I LOVE that hutch, and would be happy to use it in an office space, if you made me… I’m easy going like that.

 HOme Office homewark space

This little office space is great and compact, and I could use this!

I’ll be on the lookout for other great ideas to organize my smaller space, and I will let you know which ones  make the cut to become a real life solution!  Tell me, what spaces do you need help organizing?

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I completely know how you feel! Organization has been on my mind the last few days and I even created a Pinterest board for ideas. My ex husband moved back into my spare room so I lost my craft room/office and had to find creative ways to cram it all into my tiny bedroom. We have two bathrooms, but neither of them have any cabinets at all, so it’s a logistical nightmare.

  2. Oh geez, what doesn’t need organizing?! Our new house has a pantry I can actually walk into and close the door, but the shelving leaves alot to be desired. It’s your standard plastic-coated wire shelving – blech. I mean, it’s functional, but not pretty or practical.

    I need a cabinet or something for my master bath, and for the kids’ bath. My powder room storage consists of a small box on the back of the toilet holding two extra rolls of TP – not really practical in a house full of boys!

    The boys’ rooms. Ugh. No. Storage. Their desks are overflowing with crap. The closets are not really practical for the under-10 crowd. I’m stewing a few ideas around for that as well.
    So actually, my entire new house needs organizing. It’s a sickness, I know 🙂

  3. I feel your pain! I live in a 750 sq ft cabin (down from 2100 sq ft). My second bedroom is 10 by 11 and serves as guest bedroom, meditation room, office (for my business) and craft/sewing room. It’s undergoing an overhaul right now.

  4. I love the pantry with the pull-outs! I got really excited about organizing the kitchen in September. I went out & bought a bunch of supplies & they have sat in the basement ever since! Oh well! Maybe in January!

    1. Wendy, I think we would be great friends in real life… this sounds like the story of my life (but honestly in my case it would have been that I bought the stuff way back in September of ‘2011 and it would still be sitting around!

  5. I am getting ready to start a big remodeling project in my home. You’ve given me some inspiration and courage. I don’t like messes so the whole ideas of saws, hammers, and sawdust makes me a wee bit nervous.

    1. Ya gotta make peace with the mess somehow. We clean through out the whole remodel after every step, but inevitably something has to be let go to get the work done and that is usually the rest of the house.

  6. I purchased a house with those slide out shelves in the kitchen. I don’t recommend them.

    Unless the shelves are packed full like shown in the picture (not common) every time you pull them out the motion will knock over your boxes and stuff.

    I just cannot keep them looking good; it’s very frustrating.

    Just an FYI!

  7. i love the “options” that you found!! the mirror storage was cool! and i totally loved the hutch in the bathroom too- sooo awesome!! my studio space is out of control….(although, some of this might be my hoarding….:)) so…..but, i really need to look at how to get that space back to something less chaotic.

  8. Hi. Just wondering if anyone has a reference ( preferably not DIY) to buy pre made halved ( longways) wine cork tiles ? mosauc design for a backsplash ? I would be forever grateful. :))