Master Bedroom Plans

I haven’t shown you much of my new house, because I still have projects to show you from my old house, (I know I am so slow! It has been hard to work on a whole new house and show old projects!)  Today however, I am making an exception.  I wanna show you where I am in my little master bedroom, because I have a few projects I have been working on that I want to show you soon!

Our master bedroom has sort of been the last room on my mind (sorry honey!).  It is the stand in storage room that we tend to put things in to keep the kids out of when working on projects. So, for many months it has been a ridiculous disaster!   And I really am talking months people.  I am NOT super woman so unfortunately not everything  gets done right away.

But since it is FINALLY getting livable I wanted to show you what it is looking like, and admit that I bought something that I could have DIY-ed and I have never been happier about a purchase.

Master Bedroom Headboard 017

So let me tell you a bit about our space so you can understand what we are dealing with:

  • We have ONE closet in the space, about 5 feet wide.  Not minuscule,  by any means, but definitely not big enough for two adults to share.
  • We no longer have an office in our house, which when working at home is necessary.  So now, half of our bedroom doubles as our office.  Unfortunately we don’t have any organizational system for our office (we used to have a closet next to our office that organized the space for us….)  With all the other projects that has been going on, we haven’t had any time to focus on organizing this space.
  • We have a king sized bed in a smaller room.  I am NOT a cuddler (sorry if that is TMI).  I need my space, so I have to have a king sized bed to sleep at night.
  • The window in the space is REALLY strangely located.   So the window is really high and short and off center!  (pet peeve!)  Remember we are living in a basement apartment (in my parent’s home).

So, we might as well look to see what progress we have made so far.

Before we moved in, this room was just sort of a whatever room.  The truth is a series of people have lived here from my foster brother, to my uncle and a few siblings.  My parents are really open and easy going.  They pretty much have let who ever needed a place to stay stay at their home, so this room, has undergone many transformations.  The state of design, was well non existent… but interior design is not everybody’s first concern.  It certainly wasn’t mine for the first 6 months or so.

Here is the space before we moved in, just a sort of catchall space.  (if you see the picture on the wall that is me, the baby in the little white dress… AWESOME!

Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (3)

Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (4)

Ahem, after we moved in!  I cannot tell you how long this room looked generally like this.  I can just say that it was too long!  We had to do some MAJOR purging.  We went form a 14′ foot b 6′ master closet to a tine 6′ closet.  YIKES!   AND  overall we downsized by 1,000 square feet so keep that in mind as you make your judgments on my space.  In fact, think of me showing these pictures to you as a gift, so that you can feel better about your own hopefully cleaner space!Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (5)

We finally got through most of the boxes and either, found a home for the stuff inside, purged or took it to our storage unit.   This image below was just before the last final purge.  (By the way we took all our donated items to a local church swap!  It was an awesome way to get rid of things you don’t need and find some things you do need for free! But I can tell you I was a lot pickier about what came home with me!)

Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (6) Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (7)

We decided to change the orientation of the room.  By having the bed oriented on the windowless wall, it stopped us from using the other walls for any purpose besides a walkway.  When we moved the bed to the window wall, it gave us an entire wall that we could actually use for a purpose and it quickly became our bedroom office, but I don’t have pictures of that today, it is still in it’s ugly messy state!

Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (8)

Okay so  the move to this wall created a bit of a problem.  DUN… DUNN… DUNNNNN!  The window placement.   The bed does not align with the window, which just REALLY bugs me.  So I decided to round up all the drapes that I brought with me from my other house and create a ombre curtained wall  The picture below is sort of midway through the process.   I actually had all the drapes I needed but I couldn’t find one final panel for a few months.  (it was packed in with my sewing fabric).

Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (9)

Once I finally found the final curtain I was able to finish up my curtained wall.  You might have noticed the cooler on Justin nightstand we use that thing as either a cooler or a fan year round!  I love it!  I got it from NewAir, check out the link if you need a cooler for your home.

Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (10)

So we gave my old headboard to my sister, because I thought it would be fun to make a new one.  But then the reality of how busy we were hit.  And I haven’t had a headboard since the move.   And I decided to NOT do it myself… Gasp!  Hiss…. WHO AM I!?

I have countless tutorial on my very own site on how to my own headboard… I have a round up of 25 DIY headboards in fact!  Or check out these lovely tufted options:  (if you wanna DIY one click on the image to check these out)

diamond tufted headboard tutorial DIY Tufted Headboard Tutorial
how-to-make-a-Diamond-tufted-headboard-tutorial2 tufted headboad

Alright, well, the truth is I haven’t had time., we are still in the “rip out walls, and rebuild them” phase and the finish details phase is at least 6 months out for me, okay a year.  But I couldn’t stand not having a headboard (especially being under a window, near spiders.. YIKES, somehow the headboard is like a shield).

So, I looked around and found a great deal for one on it is this tufted arch upholstered headboard. At the time it was on sale with free shipping).   I’ve only bought a few new pieces of furniture in my life (even though we have owned 3 houses)  I just tend to DIY or fix up old furniture, so I can’t tell you how great it felt to put this out of the box install it and be done!!!  I think it is worth the time I saved and it was SUCH a good deal.

Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (11)

 I can do this kind of work, (opening a package).  Obviously did this before my awesome new haircut!

Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (12) Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (13)

I love the tufted headboard!   The soft creamy color!  I got the color Parchment, but they do have it in other colors.

Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (1)

So, here it is in the bedroom, ta-da!  We literally just stuck it on the bed I was too excited to do the work of actually installing it, I couldn’t wait to see what it looks like in front of the wall.

Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (14)

I LOVE IT!  Overall, there are still a lot of imperfections in the room and I have a lot of changes to make.  Like one thing for example, I am going to try and see if I can install the new headboard a little higher to hide the window sill.   I think that way we will have successfully helped the strange placement of the window.  (I did a really quick copy paste in Photoshop to see what that would look like…)

Master beadroom progress, before after tufted headboards curtained wall master bedroom (16) taller


I am so happy I just went ahead and purchased the tufted headboard!  Have you guys ever just bought something you could DIY?  Are you happy you did?

I feel like it is a REALLY good start.   I am happy that I can see the floor (even if I may not love the carpet, which we are hoping to change out soon on a budget, I will tell you how soon!).  More changes to come.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I understand you not wanting to pay for something you are more than capable to DIY, but cut yourself some slack. It’s okay to splurge every once in a while, especially when you always have so much going on. Besides, you got it for a great price and it looks beautiful! 🙂

    1. Thanks Lisa! Sometimes as a DIY blogger I think there is like shopping guilt, if I buy something and don’t make it… call me weird! But I TRULY appreciate your feedback and I am still REALLY glad I bought it and now that project is done and I still have time for other things. I might just call that a miracle!

  2. Wow! You have turned that into a truly beautiful space. I love what you did with the headboard and curtains to make the window not look so awkward, in fact, it doesn’t look awkward at all!

  3. That is a pretty headboard, but how long to do plan to live in your parents basement? I guess I am just wondering if its worth spending money on something if you won’t be there too long?

    1. Lori, Well I guess think of it this way, we had no headboard, and we needed one. I don’t think is matters if we live in an apartment we rent, or a home we own- I want to be happy where I live. A headboard is movable, so I will definitely be able to use this in another house. If I decide down the line that I would like a different headboard look I can always just sell this one OR I can leave my parent’s house better than it was when I moved in (which is a nice thing to do if you can). Our plans right now are indefinite, but we will be here for at least 2 years. Which in my opinion is long enough to make myself love my home.

  4. I love it. We just made a headboard out of some old doors that were getting ready to be tossed by someone else. I love the way it turned out. Now the next project is making storage under the bed and replacing our bed frame with them. I can’t wait, storage and no huge space collecting dust under the best which I hate!!!!

  5. I love it! What a great way to camouflage the window. I think the higher headboard will pull it all together beautifully. It’s nice to have something new every now and again but it’s really nice to have a easy fix in the mist of decorating chaos!

  6. My bedroom has the same type of window , and I there are 2inch blinds in them. I have been racking my brain on how to make it look better! I have a head board that I am tufting, so this wall of curtains might be just what I need to do!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. Cassidy,
    I was just wondering if you had raised the headboard yet and how that worked out? I am thinking of purchasing that same headboard based on your experience and the great reviews it has. I noticed in the reviews some people mentioned a gap between the mattress and the bottom of the headboard when it was extended higher. I’d love to mount mine higher but don’t want a gap. Let me know if you can how that worked for you. Thank you for the post. I was going to make my own but at such a reasonable price, I think I’ll just purchase this one! Thank you. Jackie

    1. Jackie! I haven’t raised it yet, because I will have a gap problem when I raise it… I am sure. But that is where my DIY self say no problemo. I am thinking of just getting a similar color fabric and covering a padded strip of plywood or solid pine to fill the gap. It will be covered by pillows (when I actually make the bed… should I admit that I forget a LOT) anyway, but that should work like a charm. It is a little extra work and I may not get to it right away, but I am still really pleased with the price and how great the headboard looks so the purchase is still worth it to me! Good Luck deciding what you want to do!

    1. Thanks you! I really like how it turned out,a dn you can’t beat recycling old curtains from an old house into your new hose for a different look!!!