New Paint Job in Small Bathroom Remodel: Guest Remodel

Andrea @ Willow Wisp Cottage is sharing what she did with her new paint job in her small bathroom remodel.

The second room in my house that I will show you is my downstairs powder room. Although small, I feel it’s an important room as most of your guests will use it at some point during their visit! The ‘bones’ of the room were not bad, as the previous owners had installed beadboard wainscotting & I already liked the pedestal sink. We added to this by adding crown molding (something I plan to do in most rooms of the house), new hardwood flooring and new paint and accessories.


This was taken as we were touring the home before we bought it. We reno’d it in my Life Before Blogging (LBB), so I didn’t take a proper before picture. The before above is just a tad too frilly for my taste. The wall colour reminds me of the colour of Bandaids. Yuck.



We opted for the colour Bed of Ferns by Benjamin Moore. I love the contrast between this and the beadboard colour (Muslin). Although I’d normally paint the beadboard more of a white colour (such as Cloud White, which is our trim colour throughout the house), I liked the pedestal sink and didn’t want to change it out and it is an offwhite/cream colour. I started painting the beadboard Cloud White, but it made the sink and toilet look dirty. I actually took in the toilet tank lid to Benny Moores to match a neutral to it!


Sorry for the boring picture folks, but after all the hard work my hubby did to instal the crown molding, I just had to show it off.


Hardwood floor is generally not regarded as a wise choice in a bathroom. However, I really wanted the continuity with the rest of the flooring on this level of the house, and being a powder room, it shouldn’t get too wet. We have had a few spills (unavoidable with two little munchkins) and had no problems, but I’m sure to wash it up right away. We also sealed around the edges under the baseboards, and again once the baseboards were applied.


I really wanted a medicine cabinet for this space as it’s where all our medicines are kept. Normally, I’d prefer just a mirror, but I think this choice is a good one as it really looks just like a mirror, and the cabinet is ‘hidden’ behind it. I found this at Home Depot.

I love this adapted TP holder. I bought one for the upstairs bathroom too (from my beloved Home Sense….you’re all going to think that this is the only place I shop!).


Who knew I’d have so much to say about one tiny room! When I look at other peoples blogs, I sure appreciate knowing the details of their makeover, including sources. Thus, I try to ensure I do the same for you! Either that, or I like to type an awful lot!

I love the new color.  It adds more contrast and interest.  What do you think?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Thank you so much for featuring my powder room! I am new to blogging, and these features sure help me to gain readers!

  2. >It's all so lovely! We have installed beadboard here too … so it's always fun to see what people do with theirs as far as paint colors and finishes go. Great job!

  3. >I adore that color, it looks great!!!!!!!! Nice bathroom! The bench is nice too but WOW on the bath!

  4. >This looks wonderful. Great job! It gives me inspiration for my poor neglected (and ugly wallpapered) bathrooms. Someday soon, I hope!