Built in Hutch Transformation

Built in Hutch Transformation By Tracy

Hi, I am Tracy from Tracy’s Trinkets and Treasures.  It is so exciting to be guest posting at Remodelaholic.  I couldn’t say yes fast enough when Cassity invited me to show you my hutch transformation.

Getting the courage to paint this hutch took me forever.


Looking at it now makes me wish I had painted it long ago.

Last summer, in July, I posted that I was thinking of making some changes to my kitchen and breakfast area.  I did change up my breakfast area that you can read about here, but I kept putting off the hutch. 

One day in March I decided to remove the cabinet doors on the top part to see if it looked better. 


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Somewhat better, but messy.  I knew I would need storage that would hide the clutter, but look good.  I found the perfect solution at Target.



The baskets fit perfectly in the space and the color is the same tone as the unpainted wood.  The baskets came with the liners and they really helped lighten up the black paint and tie in the off white dishes.

When I bought the baskets I discovered that Target online offered the them at a discount and free shipping. 

One of the reasons I put off the redo was the prep work and the thought of using oil based paint.  A friend of mine painted her cabinets and used this acrylic latex paint.

I decided to follow her recommendation since  I really dreaded the thought of oil based paint because I can be messy and impatient.  Oil base paint takes much longer to dry.  This paint didn’t have much odor and dried so fast.  The color is Tricorn Black in a satin finish.

I didn’t want it to be big, black and glossy. 

Before I painted I did clean the hutch with TSP and used a DeGlosser.  I think soap and water would have been fine instead of TSP. 


I used wood filler to fill in the holes where I removed the cabinets.


I rolled on a thin layer of acrylic all purpose primer to the hutch, doors and drawers with a small sponge roller.


I was going to roll on the black paint, but it didn’t seem to roll on the way I wanted it to so I grabbed a Purdy brush and it worked much better.  Even if the roller worked I would have needed to brush paint in all the crevices and the shelves where the doors were removed.  I didn’t think the brush marks were noticeable. I applied 2 coats of paint.


The pulls that didn’t look gold before suddenly looked very gold when they were put back on the cabinet doors and drawers. ( Oh a little tip for you.  I numbered all the drawers and doors so I could put them back where they started.  I didn’t have any issues with doors or drawers not fitting so I think it helped.)  I needed to touch up a few spots that my tired eyes didn’t see the night before and I lightly brushed some paint onto the handles to see what happened.  The gold was toned down and the pulls no longer glared at me.


The paint on the pulls has held up and not rubbed off at all.  IMG_8643 copy

I also decided the black was a bit too much and needed a distressed look, but I didn’t want to sand the hutch.  I did an old trick I have done many times in the past.  I used paint to simulate distressing by putting a small amount of paint on the brush and using the side of the brush along the edges to create a faux distressed look.IMG_8440 copy

I used my craft acrylic paint…. in Autumn Brown because the color went well with unpainted part of the hutch. 

Here’s a few more photos of the finished hutch.




Thanks Cassity for letting me show  off my transformation on your blog and to your readers for stopping by.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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