Found It!

I showed you the rug I had purchased for our living room a couple months ago… I LOVED the rug, I just didn’t love it in our front room.   I told you then that I had plans to move it to my bedroom and you can sort of see what it will look like in this post (we still haven’t replaced the flooring, so it is not actually in place yet…)

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new living room rug-2

But the left me without a rug for my living room again!  So, I went back to looking.

So when I was shopping for camping stuff I found on Wayfair, they had a daily deal for clearance items and I got this Andalucia rug an 8′ x 10′ for only $215.  A GREAT deal, but I think they they don’t have it anymore, cause I couldn’t find it anywhere but The Rug Market,  the company that made the rug had a few other ones that I like..  check out this one, or this one and finally probably my favorite, just different colors this one!  Update:  So many have asked about this rug that we did a little searching.  It doesn’t stay in stock long, but you can sometimes find it on Hayneedle or at Walmart.

The new rug is really similar color wise to another rug that I used to have in the room but the colors are a bit brighter.  I really do like the change in color!  Ta da!  My new living room rug!

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I love the touch of Cobalt blue… I can feel that color in some fabric for the accent chairs… I just need to make the covers.  So I guess that means that will never happen!

What do you think?

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Don’t give up! You seem to be determind…so craiglist has a free section…check it out you never know you may find a chair that will work ‘color’ wise in your living room. If not take fabric that will work for your color and drap it over the chair pinning it to fit the chair ( which means you’ll be fitting it back wards) use the pins as a line to follow and sew. Also a little sprinkle of the cobalt blue and a little bit of turquoise in like a large turquoise vase and 2 little cobalt vase and a turquoise throw. The color will follow your eye through the room.