Easy Camping Kitchen Box Checklist

I love camping.   I think it is kinda like playing house in the mountains, so I am admitting I still act like a 10 year old…. whoops.  Growing up,  I was convinced I should have been Laura Ingles Wilder.  For for now, camping is the closest I get to living that dream.  Which by the way is good enough for me since I realized, that would have been a hard life!   So two or three days of roughing it in a tent now and then, fills that quota quite nicely.

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 Justin and I were avid campers before we moved away from Utah, and funny enough we just got out of the habit (while living in the smoky mountains…. someone slap my hand, that was stupid of me!).  Then, the heat and humidity of Texas (and lack of trees) pretty much secured the “no need to camp” feeling for me…  When we moved back to Utah, I was so excited to be able to go up in the canyons ( a mere 5 minutes drive) and camp again.  

This year we got some fun new camping toys…  I went a little crazy shopping.  I bought 2 of these awesome hammocks (and we’ve been using them in the backyard almost daily since, we LOVE them).  They pack up into a tiny bag attached to the center of the hammock which is also a great drink holder when you are hanging out.

camping (18) camping (19)

I got this camp shower bag that heats with solar power during the day and gave us some nice warm water to hose ourselves off with at the end of the day (the girls thought is was SO fun!)!  We even got a shower stall/ potty stall… we went camping at a place with bathrooms but I am thinking this will be nice when we go to a place that doesn’t have them!  

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Lastly we got a cute pop up canopy.  We didn’t use it camping, be we have it out on our patio and LOVE it!  I can’t believe we ever lived without it!  (I will show you pictures soon!)

The hardest part of the camping was actually keeping the girls busy and out of danger…   So, our hike was my favorite part (maybe because our 2 year old Lydia was  strapped in a backpack!)  Sorry for the picture quality, these are ALL phone shots!

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One of the things that makes camping a little easier for us is our little kitchen box.  I have a Rubbermaid storage box with our basic kitchen, camping gear.  Creating this box took some time and some trial and error, (ya know like, when you go camping and bring canned chili for dinner, but no can opener….) After a few campouts we made a list of the things that we needed to keep in our box.  

Camping equipment can be sorta expensive so just as a hint, be sure to check out your local Goodwill store.  When you are looking for good items that would be helpful to have keep in mind items that can be cleaned and reused and just always have ready to go on hand.  Some of the things we bought second hand: Drink pitcher, mixing bowl, metal measuring cups, spoons, knives, forks, can opener, spatulas, plastic egg carton(not on the list, but nice to have).

For your storage “box” use one plastic Rubbermaid inside another (should be exact same size with lid)  This way you can keep your supplies in one box and use the other box as a sink when you are camping.  Here is a list 

Camping Kitchen box Checklist


Remember this list is not a complete list for camping, just a great start for a kitchen box that you can have ready to go whenever you want to go!  I realize this is a little late for my local camping season, but hopefully you can just pin this for future reference.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I love camping so much! My husband and I try to go a few times every summer. We are in Utah too! What canyon do you camp in?

    I think I might have to buy one of those hammocks. Last time we went camping I seriously wanted a hammock and they are cheap too.

    Looks like you had a very fun time!

  2. WOW…that’s a lot to take camping! For 10 days of camping (2 adults & our 3 kids), we packed a pocket rocket stove (with fuel), one small cook pot, 5 large aluminum cups and 5 spoon/fork/knife combos. Cutting was done with our pocket knives and food was bought that could be cooked and eaten in individual cups (we’re super-healthy eaters who focus on fresh foods and nothing processed).

    Sometimes I think we really tend to overthink things. This is coming from somebody who used to have a camp box that was approximately 4’x2’x1′. 🙂 More is not necessarily better!

  3. My family loves camping too, but we cheat we use a camper. It’s great seeing photos of your hike, it looks like you have beautiful canyons to take advantage of. Looks like lots of fun!

    1. Oh my goodness, I have wanted a popup camper for a while now but after this recent trip I want one SO much more! It would be SO convenient! Guess I better start saving up!

  4. So much fun!! I used to go camping when my kids were younger. We had a whole group of friends that would all go camping together. Great times. Now that my girls are much older and so am I…..I enjoy camping in a hotel :). Keep making those great memories!!