New Living Room Rug!?!

I meant to post this yesterday so forgive me posting today, but I got home from Youth conference (with the teenagers in my church ages 14 – 18) last night and was totally wasted.  But it was SO my fun!  There was the FUNNEST ever zip line right into the lake the water was my favorite part.  I talked some of my adorable young women  into going with me.  Then when I was climbing up the ladder getting closer and closer to the sky, I was thinking in my head, “Crap what in the world have I gotten myself into and what if I swear LOUDLY in front of the youth”, I was petrified!  Happily, once they let go and sent me off into the seeming plunge of death, it was SO much fun, all fear fled and no vile words escaped my lips!!

Otherwise,  I am utterly ashamed of how weak I have become.   I haven’t been to a youth conference since is was around 17 and the rock climbing wall and agility courses were my FAVORITE thing – this time, I couldn’t even do it, I was wearing flip flops around camp so I tried the climbing wall barefoot, it hurt so much, I made it up like 3 feet and quit!  Total walk of shame in front of all the adorable teenage kids that basically scaled the wall like Spiderman.   It might have helped if I had had real shoes on, but that is just me making excuses for myself.  I see some major strength training changes ahead.  Most of all though, I had the best time talking(not a big surprise if you know me in real life) and getting to know the youth, and hearing them share their feelings!  (I can’t wait for girls camp now! Super fun!)

Anyway, back to the real purpose of this post.  I’ve been looking for a new rug for the living room.  I just wanted a bit more color than I have had, and so when I was shopping around I found this one at Wayfair (affiliate link) called the NuLoom Pop Mulit Nina rug and asked what you guys thought on Facebook and the reaction I got was amazing!  Tons of likes (531 to be exact), a few hates and a lot of people letting me know what they thought (about 250 comments!!!  Thanks for the love!)  and some wondering where I got it.  Well I LOVED it and after I posted about it within 20 minutes I bought it.

Well I got it and I LOVE the rug, it isn’t a cut pile, it is looped but I was surprised how AMAZINGLY soft it is, the colors are incredible.  See:


I laid it down in my living and while I TOTALLY love the rug, (at some point I am planning on changing the covers for the sofa and chairs, they used to be in different rooms, so they weren’t so matchy-matchy…)  I think ultimately I am going to move it to my master bedroom.    Mostly because of the stone fireplace which feels like a cool color palette to me, although this image is a little deceiving, in real life the rug seems a little warmer toned than I want to have in this space.


But it will be perfect for my bedroom once we install new flooring… (the honey do list just got a little longer… whoops!)

What do you guys think?  

Leave it in the front room, or move it to my master bedroom (which I have yet to paint or do much of anything decor wise besides the headboard)

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. looks really good where it is….the star of the room…and it looks great with the fireplace!

  2. I don’t think it goes with the rest of the room at all. I feel like you’ve got a beachy, cool vibe going in there with the bright, clean walls and aqua accents, pops of yellow and that awesome stone fireplace, and the rug is just begging to be in a warmer room. I agree it should go in the bedroom. It’s beautiful, though!

  3. I personally like it in the bedroom better. I think the rug’s pattern had a lot of texture and it clashes more with the fireplace than it would with the headboard in the bedroom. The white of the headboard would bring out the white of the rug and provide contrast for the colors of the rug. I also am not sure about the patterns of the ottoman (or whatever is the yellow/white patterned furniture on the right) with the patterns of the rug. I think it would look great in the bedroom and then a teal or blue would look great in the living room due to your wall decor and the cool feel of the fireplace (like you mentioned). Hopefully that wasn’t too opinionated =/

  4. I love the rug and I like the room, but based on your photo, I don’t like the artwork on the wall With the rug…the rug has sophistication that the wall art does not have. The art work looks great too…but not together. So in my opinion, one has to go. But that’s just my own thought when so many will have another one. Good luck deciding

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