Lemon-Ginger Tea Pomegranate Sparkler

This beautiful beverage is so flavorful and delicious. Serve this lemon-ginger tea pomegranate sparkler at your holiday party. It’s so simple!

Lemon-Ginger Tea Pomegranate Sparkler | FOODIEaholic.com #recipe #cooking #beverage #sparkler #drink #lemon #tea #ginger #pomegranate


Lemon-Ginger Tea Pomegranate Sparkler

Lemon-Ginger Tea Pomegranate Sparkler
Recipe Type: Drinks
Author: Foodieaholic
Serves: 2
  • 2 tablespoons fresh ginger, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup Pure Leaf Iced Tea with Lemon
  • 1/2 cup pomegranate juice
  • Cold club soda
  • 2 tablespoons pomegranate seeds, for garnish
  • 2 cinnamon sticks, for garnish
  1. In a saucepan, combine the ginger and Pure Leaf Iced Tea with Lemon and bring to a simmer.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat and set aside to steep, about 10 minutes.
  3. Allow to cool in an airtight container in the fridge.
  4. Fill two highball glasses with ice. Pour 1/2 cup ginger-infused tea, then 1/4 cup pomegranate juice into each glass.
  5. Top each with club soda, garnish with a tablespoon of pomegranate seeds and a cinnamon stick to stir.

 Lemon-Ginger Tea Pomegranate Sparkler | FOODIEaholic.com #recipe #cooking #beverage #sparkler #drink #lemon #tea #ginger #pomegranate


Special thanks to Gail Simmons and Pure Leaf for this great drink! Also try Gail’s Shaved Fall Vegetable Salad with Tea-Pickled Radishes.

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