Parmesan Popovers

This is just a simple recipe that we like for soups or meals that would be nice with a light bread on the side.  AND since it will soon to be fall—soup season—enjoy these delicious and flaky Parmesan Popovers!

Parmesan Popovers | #recipe #cooking #baking #rolls #bread #popovers #Parmesan


Parmesan Popovers

Parmesan Popovers
Recipe Type: Breads
Author: Foodieaholic
  • 9 Tbsp Parmesan
  • 3 beaten eggs (at room temperature)
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
  1. Liberally butter a 12-count muffin tin.
  2. Put about 2/3 Tbsp Parmesan in bottom of each cup.
  3. In a medium bowl, whisk the milk, flour, eggs, and seasonings together.
  4. Pour mixture in each cup over Parmesan.
  5. Bake at 400 degrees F for 25 minutes.

Parmesan Popovers | #recipe #cooking #baking #rolls #bread #popovers #Parmesan

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