I’m Dreaming of White Kitchen Cabinets

Submitted By 517 Creations

We just passed the 6-month mark of living in our new house.  That’s a pretty big mark for a couple, now a family, who have lived in 6 places during our almost-6 years of marriage!  There has been an apartment, a couple of houses, and a little over a year spent living with another family when we first moved to Missouri…definitely not traditional, but it’s been great!

The story of how this house came about is totally remarkable, one that definitely needs to be shared at some point…but for now, I’m going to devote a few posts to the “befores and afters” of our home. I know that this is a “crafting” blog, but since I’ve been showing you some of the decor that I’ve made for our home, I thought it would be fun!

When we first looked at this house, it belonged to an older couple.  This is going to sound crazy, but it felt like “home” as soon as we walked in…at least to me.  It definitely didn’t look like my idea of our home, but it felt like it.  My husband thought I was completely crazy, but I could see past the somewhat dated interior to the total potential that this house held in its bones.

This is one of the first things that we saw…the kitchen.

Wow…I know.  I saw past the “faux wood” counter tops, linoleum flooring, and oak cabinets to the size!  Our kitchen in our last home was relatively small and felt totally separated from the rest of the house.  This kitchen was  a perfect size for me and was open to the rest of the home – or at least it would be when we knocked out that cabinet over the peninsula!Here are some during construction pictures.  Enjoy!


Here is what our kitchen looks like today…after a little over 4 weeks of work (with amazing help…part of the remarkable story that I’ll share at some point) and 1 flood (a crazy story!), we have a beautiful, perfect-for-us kitchen….

Looking at the old picture, I almost can’t believe it’s the same place.  But it is…it’s home.

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I am the husband of the amazing Cassity of Remodelaholic. I love to problem solve and to design and build things inside and outside the house to make life better. I am a professional Landscape Architect by trade and love the outdoors.

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  1. Wow, what a difference! We bought our house from a 92 year old lady and our kitchen looks like yours did. We’ve updated the rest of the house and now we’re working on the kitchen. I can’t wait to paint our cabinets white too 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. LOVE IT!! the white is so crisp – what colour did you use – I am so inpired to get mine done – need to get the old wall paper off though, any suggestions, would be much appriciated!!

    1. Thanks, Kelly! I will check on the name of the paint color for you – will you send me an e-mail at 517creations@gmail.com and I’ll get it for you?

      As for the wallpaper, we had TONS of it all over our house…including 2 layers in some places. The way we got it all off was spraying the wallpaper down with hot water in a spray bottle…then scraping, scraping, scraping. It was tedious but the results are totally worth it!

  3. Just beautiful, a great before and after! I’m going thur the same thing now with my kitchen, I’m looking for a new light for over my sink, where did you find your lights? I sure do love them!


  4. love your kitchen wanting to paint my oak cabinets too can you plz tell me the paint you used and also did you spray the paint on or brush it on and did you just rought up the cabinets or use a primer? sorry for all the questions but i love what you did and i want mine to turn out as yours did thank you so very much for sharing

  5. We are in the process right now of doing the same thing! Your kitchen looks great! I am also wondering if the hinges from exterior to interior was terrible and also wondering the type and name of your countertops? We are looking at some in laminate in black star granite that looks similAr to yours! Thanks for any info you could give us! Good job!