I Can! Craft Organizer Repurpose


This is a great re-purpose craft organizer project form  Me Making Do.  I thought I would highlight it, wouldn’t it be cute in your craft room?


Sorry with as many cans we go through I have another can tutorial. I definately needed this one though to hold scissors, pencils and all my other gadgets.

I started out with six clean empty cans in the same size and painted each with Krylon srpay paint on the inside and outside.


Added glue to one side of one of a can.



Attached a second can to that and did the same and attached a third can. I repeated this with the following three cans.



Then I glued the first three to the second three.



I added extra glue to each joint to make sure it held better.



On mine there was a little space between the two middle cans, I just glued the other sides extra good.


Cut a long piece of this jute rope I just eyeballed it I didn’t measure. It’s for the handle.


Slipped one end of the rope through one side of the cans and glued the rope down.


Glued down the rope at the top of the cans and then did the same with the other side of the rope to the other side of the can.
After the rope was attached I took the container outside and sprayed another coat of spray paint all over including the rope.


I cut a strip of burlap as wide as I liked and long enough to fit around the cans, and glued it around, then cut some coordinating ribbon to go around on top of the burlap and glued it.



This is how I’m leaving mine cause it will be in my desk cupboard but if it’s out to see I would embellish it more.


This is the embellishment from my soup can candlestick here I think that looks adorable and will have to make another one for my computer desk to sit out!!


Here is mine partially filled in My Craft Desk. Practically free just a few odds and ends I had. Don’t you love it?
I love the colors and this is such a great idea!  
A great craft organizer idea, don’t cha think?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >That is cute! And imagine the possibilities! Wouldn't that be cute as a utensil holder for a party/bbq? Or to hold small toys in a playroom? Or to hold hair accessories?

  2. >Genius! Ohhh, and woudn't it be a cute way to do a little flower pot? You could even plant in plastic cups so that you can remove them. I can't wait to do this project!

  3. >This is so clever and frugal AND cantastic! (sorry, I couldn't help the pun.) I LOVE it! Inventive and innovative. YEAH!

  4. >This project is adorable and looks so easy! Thanks for sharing. I love it. Love & blessings from NC!