14 Great Before and Afters

14 MORE Great Before & Afters

Hello hello and thanks for joining us for another Remodelaholics Anonymous link party! We’ll get right to the party, but first, an important announcement:

We want YOUR headboard!

Okay, not the actual headboard (can you imagine the postage?), but we’d love to feature your tutorial! We have an awesome (if  I do say so myself) Headboard Week coming up, chock full of tutorials and information. Pretty much headboard central. So, we want you to be a part of it! If you have a headboard you’d love to share, come submit it here ASAP!

And now, back to your regularly scheduled link party….

We love to see what you’ve been working on and feature YOU! This week we’ve got 14 (more) great before and afters to share with you here — if you want to see some of the before and afters we’ve featured previously, try these on for size:

Don’t forget to go check out last week’s great party (and the floor covering DIY features) and then link up your home projects and DIYs below! If you are featured here or on social media, feel free to grab a button.  Be sure that you follow us on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter so you can see if you are featured! We also pin some of our favorites on our Reader Features board every week, so we’d love to have you follow us there, too!

dining room and kitchen renovation by Fisherman’s Wife Furniture

nightstand makeover from MyLove2Create

tile backsplash update from Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body

coat closet revamp by A Prudent Life

stairway renovation from Home Coming

dining room updates from The Blissful Bee

painted antique washstand by An Extraordinary Day

revamped china hutch from Simply Vintageous

simple lamp makeover from Frazzled Joy

bathroom makeover by The Blissful Bee

outdoor courtyard before and after by The Southern State of Mind

living room updates from The Southern State of Mind

master bedroom makeover from The Blissful Bee

neon filing cabinet update by For My Love Of

More great before and afters to inspire you! via Remodelaholic.com

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Lorene has been behind the scenes here at Remodelaholic for more than a decade! She believes that planning projects and actually completing them are two different hobbies, but that doesn't stop her from planning at least a dozen projects at any given time. She spends her free time creating memories with her husband and 5 kids, traveling as far as she can afford, and partaking of books in any form available.

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  1. Thanks SO much for featuring my hutch makeover – and of course Thanks for another great party!
    I just did a post on headboards this week so this was very timely lol !
    Have a wonderful weekend ♥