Free Light Fixture Makeovers

Free Light Fixture Makeovers 
Another beautiful day here in Nebraska! I could stand these temps all year…
My hubby was a sweetie and put up my light fixtures so I can show you my quick makeover!
I love my light fixture in our kitchen. We got it a few years ago to replace the hideous, dirty ceiling fan from the previous owners. This fixture was probably around $50-$60 at Menards. It’s simple but makes a big difference in the room.
Since I’m more budget friendly these days of my life…I wanted to add a little extra to a couple BORING areas in my house a little cheaper.
I had these 2 light fixtures I found FREE at EcoStores Nebraska (local salvage center). If you missed my post on these finds, I found some great junk finds during free week at this salvage center. But as you can see, the price tag is very affordable…better than $50+!
Don’t let the 80’s look scare you. 🙂

I removed the glass in each fixture which was really easy…just some unscrewing here and there.
Cleaned them up.
Primed them with auto spray primer.
Let dry then sprayed with Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint. Done!
I had them hanging in my tree to dry. 🙂
Here are the 2 ugly spots that needed attention.
Mudroom/basement area…unfinished recess lighting.

Area at the top of the basement steps.
Here they are today! Much better.
Top of Steps.
With lights off/flash on

Mudroom area
We added a ceiling medallion to cover the big hole. I got it on sale for $4.

Lights off/flash on

Not bad for free and some spray paint!
Paint does miracles. 🙂
Have a wonderful day!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >They look awesome. When I first saw them I'll admit I didn't have much faith but wow was I wrong. Now I'm going to go see what I can find now that you've inspired me.

  2. >Wow! Thanks so much for featuring my light fixtures! This is such a simple makeover anyone can do!

  3. >I love these updates! I saw this post at her site the other day and fell in love. I actually bought a fixture almost like the 2nd one at a thrift store the other day and plan to steal her idea! Thanks for the inspiration!
