Red Dresser Makeover With Sheet Music Drawer Fronts

Red Dresser Makeover With 
Sheet Music Drawer Fronts
submitted by Polka Dots and Pizza
Wow! I am excited. My dresser turned out SO much better than I thought it would! Here is the before pic again. 
The top of the dresser was warped, and that’s why the lady I got it from said she was about to throw it in the trash! AH! My hand husband was able to clamp the top down and re-nail it back down. There is a little crack at the top from doing this, bu nothing that you can notice or that hurts it!
TADA! I painted it RED! and I mod podged sheet music to the drawers.
I am super happy with it, and am now trying to decide where to put it! It is a LOUD piece. I am so excited my vision actually came through!
Also, check out these other fantastic dressers from previous submissions:

Turquoise Painted Dressers
Wisteria Inspired Dresser Redo

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Wow, such a wonderful design! I wish I hv one.
    I hv a similar dresser at home. But how can I mod the music sheets on it? I mean, how to stick them on the dresser?

    1. Hi Amy! There are lots of adhesives that would work, such as Mod Podge like this guest used. Just be sure to also seal it on top so that it doesn’t peel up easily. Thanks!