Five Ways to Decorate With Triangles

Bold geometric patterns are everywhere these days, and triangles are currently at the top of the popularity charts. Here are a few easy ways to incorporate the triangle trend into your current home décor.

Triangle Wall copy

Five Ways to Decorate With Triangles

1) With Textiles

One of the easiest ways to change the look and feel of a room is with new pillows and throws. Swap out a few of your current textiles for some that feature triangles for an instant update. A brightly colored pillow like this one would be a fun accent to brighten up your sofa or bed.

2) In Art

A quick search on etsy will give you hundreds of affordable pieces of art featuring triangles. If you prefer to DIY things, grab some paint, a blank canvas, a potato, and a sharp knife. Carve yourself a triangle-shaped chunk of potato and stamp away! Pretty soon you’ll have an on-trend one-of-a-kind masterpiece to hang in your living room.

3) On Rugs

It’s easy to forget about the floor when redecorating, but changing out your rug can completely change the feel of a room. This neutral option feels classic while still incorporating those trendy triangles.

4) On the walls…or the ceiling!

You’ve seen stripes and chevrons on walls; why not try your hand at painting some triangles? This post has some great examples in bright colors and neutrals, busy patterns and bold spacing and soothing simplicity. Scared of how permanent paint feels? Look for vinyl wall decals. Or create triangles with lines of washi tape for an even less permanent, inexpensive solution. Feeling especially bold? Shop around for a fun geometric wallpaper.

5) In 3D

We’re not suggesting you get a couch upholstered in a triangle print, or put a giant triangular sculpture on your coffee table, but there are certainly ways to incorporate this trend into even your furniture. Look for pieces that are actually shaped like triangles, like these nesting tables, or have triangular structural elements, like this lamp.


Author: Jen is the mother of two sweet girls; her days are filled with Dr. Seuss books and laundry, block castles and pink tutus. Reading is her first passion. Finding and testing out delicious recipes is a close second. She and her husband are working on making their fixer-upper home into something amazing. It’s a satisfying but painfully slow process.  Read more from Jen at Nothing Comes of Nothing.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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