Christmas Photo Booth Ideas; Day 12

This year Justin and I are in charge of our church Christmas party.  Justin has been a live saver!  He’s headed up giving out all the assignments and getting it all organized, while I have been creating 12 days worth of posts, and trying my darnedest not to go crazy!  (it is HARD)  Anyway, at the party, we are doing a breakfast, a short program and then letting families take a walk through Bethlehem to see a live nativity.  

We are really excited about it, and I am sort of counting down the day still I can focus just on the party… and be done with all my Christmas projects.  Well, so the plan  was all complete until I saw something that I couldn’t leave out on instagram.  I noticed that another blogger, Mallory from Classy Clutter did a Christmas photo booth for her Church’s party and I realized I had to do one (just keeping up with the Joneses… I kid, it just looked so great and SO fun, I had to include it!)  I am SO excited about putting it together!

Today,  I  thought I would share it with you the research I’ve been doing to prep the booth!  This photo booth idea would be great for a family party, an ugly sweater party, birthday party, new years… just switch out some props and colors!

Christmas Photo Booth Ideas




Christmas Photo Booth Ideas 

Backdrop Options:

We don’t like to make any holes in the walls of the church, to keep the building as nice as possible.  So we have to have solutions that can be made without attaching anything to the walls.


I love how this mom, used a rigid sheet of Styrofoam from the local home store, and just pinned some fabric to it…!  PERFECTO!


I love the painterly effect on this background (source is missing on pinterest, sorry).  You could paint some Canvas drop cloths… then pin them to the stryofoam!


You can build a pipe structure, and attach some hanging streamers like this one:


Image source, Tutorial source



This tablecloth backdrop could be done in any color combos that you love!


Background Decor Ideas:


This Santa and Reindeer garland would be cute layered over a backdrop.


Sequin garland Decor idea

Love this sequin garland available on Etsy!


Buy this cute printable garland for about $5 bucks!  Done!  (comes with 2 other garlands)


27th birthday party set up with garland confetti color

Great Bunting Tutorial here


Photo Prop Options:

I don’t know about you, but time is always an issue around here. While I would LOVE to be able to make everything by hand…it is SO nice to be able to just download and print some props.

free Christmas Photo booth props-01

Cora Mae Design


ChristmasPhotoBoothPropsAnother fun option at Talk Crafty to Me.



Or you can buy this cute set from Etsy, I love the top hats.

Hope this helps get your Christmas Photo Booth together in a snap!


Please check out these other great days that I have shared with you:

Day 1: Santa and Reindeer Paper Garland Day 2:  Pipe Cleaner Ornaments, Kid Friendly
Day 3: Sugar Free Pumpkin Steamers Day 4:  Fudge Brownie S’mores Pie
Day 5: Joy String Art Tutorial

Day 6; Snowman Wreath Tutorial

Day 7: Kids Advent Calendar

Day 8; Free Christmas Stocking Pattern and Tutorial

Day 9: Faux Fur Tree Skirt Day 10: Kids Christmas Art Gallery
Day 11; Gingerbread Tradition Ideas (link party TOMORROW!!!)

 Also you definitely want to check out the other great projects from the other bloggers joining me in this 12 days of crazy Chrsitmas!!!


Thistlewood Farm


 Funky Junk Interiors


Inspired by Charm

inspired by charm

Songbird Blog


Shanty 2 Chic

Shanty 2 Chic

Gingerbread Traditions!

gingerbread traditions

Website | + posts

Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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