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I think it is about time I put up a post with some pictures of the toddler I watch (hope Mom and Dad don’t mind). I have been watching her for over a year and she is such a joy! Lately her personality has really begun to emerge and it is funnier than anything!

One of my favorite Natalie moments happened while I was sitting in a chair on our screen porch. She came out and climbed up on my lap. We were just leaning back enjoying the newly budding trees and gentle breeze, oh so calming. Well, Natalie, in a very serious way, mind you, wanted to put in her two cents, about the whole situation. What do you think she said? Woof-Woof, sort of half heartedly and then nothing more! -Deep thoughts from Natalie! Gotta love it.

Here are some of my favorite pictures:

Wow I hardly recognize this baby! Except that she has a magazine in her hands, this is quintessential Natalie behavior, she loves a good magazine or catalog!

Natalie used to make the greatest scowling faces at you for no reason, although I haven’t seen her do it for a while. This is the best one I got of it, and mind you it is not as good as she can make, but it will have to do!

The other picture cracks me up. Natalie loves to hang out on the screen porch when it is open to her. But this picture shows one of the main reasons she loves being out there, if you care to look in the top left corner you will see the back half of Buddy! She loves to chase him and scream as loud as she can as soon as she gets close enough to touch. The cats are grateful for her built in Natalie warning system.

Natalie is very loving! She loves to give big hugs and just recently has been loving to give kisses! Here she is hugging and rocking one of her teddy bears. Notice in the second picture the bear is pinned upside down. We’ll have to work on that!

We have a special time of day that usually involves Justin coming home and handing over a small cup of Cheerios for Natalie to carry as she teeters around and eats them. Of course I have to give Justin a small cup for him too, but I tell him not to fill up on the antipasto! I happen to know for a fact that Justin enjoys his Cheerios just as much as Natalie, I guess some things never change!

I just love these pictures! My favorite picture is the one on the right, I think she though I was a little crazy, but I think they turned out cute!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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