Bright Play Room For Kids; Guest

I saw this lovely playroom for kids on The Perfectly Imperfect Life and had to ask if I could show if off.  I love the colors and storage.  Check it out:

They’re done!  The day bed and the play room are (mostly) done! 
I actually used the comforter from my bed and the pillows from my girls’ beds, so the bedrooms look a bit of a mess, but hey, maybe I’ll decide to keep it this way and get a new comforter for MY room!
Let me give you a tour.  You’ve seen the day bed, but here it is again.  Doesn’t it look nice?
Mr. Harry sure thinks so…


I also grabbed the curtains from the girls’ room and the little boxes that used to hang in my kitchen.  Those boxes were definitely a Eureka! moment.  I was driving down the road, chewing on what I could put there when I realized that the boxes were sitting in the garage doing nothing, but if I were to hang them in the play room, I would have a great little place to put all the girls’ 3-dimensional art work and doo-dads!
And, speaking of art work!  I finished the art wall.  Generally, Thing 1 produces reams of art work each day, but I actually had to harangue her a bit to actually get the wall filled in (and you can see there are actually still two frames empty).

Usually, when I hang frames, I just eyeball it and move them around until I like where they end up.  Which leaves a lot of holes in the wall.  This time, I actually did the responsible, mature thing and created templates and taped them to the wall.  This turned out to be a really smart thing to do because my original plan turned out to require drastic re-working. 
I’ve seen a few bloggers do the template thing, but I might just post on it myself because I ran into a few gotchas that might be good to share.
In addition to the art work, I put up baby pictures of each of us.  Aren’t we cute?


You may have noticed that you’ve only really seen one side of the room.  The left wall has a white board and a chalk board.  I still have some things I want to do with that, so that’s not going to be shared yet.
The wall opposite the bed holds this:    


Notice that the door doesn’t shut all the way?  That’s because it looks like this on the inside:

Actually, it was even worse on the inside.  I had to remove a bunch of stuff to even be able to open the doors.  I think that’s going to be next week’s project.  Should be fun!

But that’s messy.  Let’s finish with something nicer…

Ahhh…ready for my sister’s visit.
I love the day bed, the colors and the art work!  What do you love about this play room?  Do you have any play rooms to show off?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I love the cheerful colours, the kids art display, and all that amazingly organized toy/stuff storage. Brilliant!!!

  2. >Great room! I had a daybed growing up and I loved it. I think the baby pictures of you in the room is cute too. I might steal that idea!

  3. >Colorful, happy rooms result in bright, cheerful children. Love this room and all the vibrant colors! Thanks for sharing.