Bathroom Makeover; Yellow & Gray Color Scheme

Submitted by Haute To Sew

Seeing as how our house was built in the 70’s, we have 2 of the ugliest bathrooms EVER! No joke, they make me want to barf. I’m going to apologize in advance, I don’t have very good before pictures. This remodel was not planned and took over a year, working on it all bit by bit. The bulk of it was actually done before I even started this blog. I never blogged about it because we never replaced the floor…it was hideous. I finally convinced Mr Perfect over Christmas to put a new floor in. I love it now!
So here’s what we started with…

This picture was actually taken when we were doing our final walk through before signing on the house in 2009. It seems to be the ONLY before picture I have 🙁  Sad story. As you can kinda see, there are ugly, nasty shower doors {I hate those things}…a marble countertop complete with flecks of gold, and a sink to match…dark ugly dated vanity…gray-ish, blue-ish, white-ish walls…and lets not look passed all that lovely yellow/camel colored tile. It pretty much covers the whole bathroom.
And here is a cell phone picture of the new tile we put down for the floor…but you can see the beautiful linoleum we had before. Gag

So here’s the deal…we aren’t made of money so gutting the bathroom and starting over was not an option. We had to work with what we’ve got. The yellow tile had to stay. But it’s ok…I went with the yellow/gray color scheme! The vanity also had to stay, and the countertop. But that’s ok too…paint is my best friend. And thank goodness there are countertop paints out there now!
Ok, so I know you are dying to see it…

if the colors vary, blame it on the fact that there’s no natural light in a bathroom 🙁

I don’t usually put my shower curtain up so high, but the kiddo broke the tension on the rod…it won’t stay up now unless it’s above those tiles…and let’s face it, that’s an expensive rod and I’m too cheap to buy another one. Thanks kid

Ignore the lower right corner where a couple tiles are missing…they popped off when the floor was installed and Mr Perfect hasn’t glued them back on yet.

To see my project involving that little shelf and the vases, go here

I pretty much love it! I did all the painting and Mr Perfect tiled the floor….not too shabby for his first time!

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I am the husband of the amazing Cassity of Remodelaholic. I love to problem solve and to design and build things inside and outside the house to make life better. I am a professional Landscape Architect by trade and love the outdoors.

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  1. I love the tiles you used for the floor. What brand are they and are they tiles or the peel and stick kind? What did you use on the coutertops?
    Thanks I love what you did!!

    1. Kelly,

      The tiles we used are from Home Depot. Not sure what the name is, the hubs threw all the packaging away 🙁
      And for the countertops, I painted them with Giani Paint system that you can buy off their website or at Walmart.

      Hope that helps!

  2. You did a great job. I need to do something with my bathroom, maybe when I am sure the weather will stay warm. Thanks for the post.

  3. Bathrooms are hard, what you did was great!
    I understand hating bathrooms, we just did ours (a complete gut) after waiting 22 yrs!
    Take a look….
    Keep up the good work.

  4. Beautiful!! Taking down the shower surround on our bathroom was a HUGE improvement, just like yours. And I was in the same boat.. I coudn’t replace anything (on our budget) just fix it up, so I did a lot of masking and working with what we had. I didn’t have tile, but I had old yellowing “faux” marble. So I feel for you.

    Your bathroom is sooo pretty with what you had to work with. I love the shelf and vases most of all. NICE JOB!!!

      1. I have a very similar bathroom and would love to use this paint color. What finish do you use? Matte, Flat, Semi-gloss, etc? Thanks.

  5. You painted your countertop? How does that work? Is it standing up to th abused issued by kids and regular daily use? I have awful bathroom countertops and would love a cheap fix.

    1. Lynn,

      Here’s a better explanation of the countertop paint. It’s Giani Paint. You can google them or buy it at Walmart. You can paint it on cultured marble like we did in the bathroom, or on laminate or on bare wood, which we did on both in our kitchen. It basically a primer, 3 colors of minerals that you dab on in a certain order and then 2 top coats. It’s a long process and kinda a pain, but so worth it for a cheap upgrade!! Our bathroom and our kitchen both have held up wonderfully! Haven’t had one single issue!

  6. Love this!! You did such a great job! I have never heardof countertop paint. Can you explain more about it?

  7. First of all, I LOVE it!
    Second of all, I SWEAR TO YOU that is the same linoleum we had in our house growing up except ours had navy blue in it. It actually momentarily made me feel happy seeing it there in your post!

  8. Yellow and gray… those colors together. The pictures on the wall are so unique. Did you make those or did you buy them somewhere?

  9. Wow! This is amazing. I have the same yellow tiles. I wish I had seen this before painting my bathroom. I went with a blue on the walls because I saw another remodel where that looked good. Anyway, it looks okay, but isn’t really my style. What is the paint color on your walls?

    1. Amy, They did a lovely job, but this post was a guest post, so i don’t know the pint name, you might be able to get the name if you hop over to the original bloggers article! Thanks!

  10. I have the EXACT same tile in my 1970’s bathroom! I’m so excited to get started on my transformation. Can you believe this is our master bath? So small!

    This looks fantastic. Thanks for sharing. I will definitely take pictures!