Using Inspiration Photos to Create Your Home’s Best Look

Okay, I know we have all heard about Pinterest and before that we scoured magazines and created tear files for inspiration… in fact I still have drawers of inspiration images… But now that we have our pin broad or binder of great ideas where do we go next?  How do we incorporate these ideas or how do we define our styles when the rooms all look a little different.


 Well, we need to develop a critical eye for images.  How do we do this?   Let’s say you are planning a master bedroom remodel.  Here are the pictures you have seen and love…

 all via Pinterest

They are all different styles, and even rooms, so how do you know where to go.  Paralyzation kicks in and you sit around, doing nothing with all your hard earned bedroom remodel budget, cause you are afraid to make mistakes. Okay so let’s make this a little easier (by now you know that I am into the five step thing!)

how to use inspiration photos to create the look you love for your home

(Image source)

 First: You need to break down each image.  Start with sticky notes (or your Pinterest note) write down each element that draws you to the picture. Do you like the texture that rug brings into the room, that is echoed in the natural woven baskets on the shelf. Do you like the wall color? The style of the furnishings? The wood finish? The accent color? Do you like the gold accents on the mirrors or ottomans? Be very specific, check out this post on my blog for my example of breaking down the elements of a room.

 Second: Now that you know why you like the images.  It is time to pick out your favorite elements.  These will be the main ideas that you would like to incorporate into your room.  Create a mood board with those element.


This is one I made in college for a spa with an attached residence. Add it to you design binder. Pick out your colors! and presto you know where to start

Third: When you go shopping take you binder or Pin board with you (be aware that it might be good to have real fabric and paint samples with you, as screens on computers can be off on colors).  Use these images to guide your choices.  You do not have to literally find that particular lamp, but let’s say you find a lamp in a similar color shape and the scale is just right.  Buy it.  (See step 5 before removing tags!)

Find the tutorial to make this lamp here.

Forth: I know it is all the rage to knock-off imitate exact objects from great design resources… you know what I mean, but don’t be afraid to put your spin on the room.  This is what makes the space feel inviting to you.  Go with your gut, if you think it will make you happy work it in. Work in family pictures or sentimental objects or furnishings – even if they are not all the rage!

Don’t be afraid to paint it, and/or don’t worry if you leave it as it is… We don’t have to follow every trend.

Be true to yourself, that is the goal for this space!

Fifth: Don’t be afraid to edit…  If something you planned on all along is distracting from the whole feel of the room cut it out!  **That said, when you buy something for the space, don’t take those tags off and KEEP you receipts, until the room is complete!

Sometimes we buy something “just knowing” it will work for the space.  But guess what, we finish the room and it just doesn’t work!  Urgh!  But you bought it early, it matched your mood board, it was in your inspiration photo- so you took of the tags and washed it, and rocked it to sleep…it is now your baby and you are not getting rid of it… you also are not getting your money back for something that is just taking up your extra space!

Don’t take your mood board too literally, let the room develop!  And once you get to this point, you should know if it will work or not!   Hope this helps you go in the direction of your dreams (house)! Please be sure to check out the accompanying post!  To see an example of how I broke down an inspiration image!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Great tips! I’m one of those people who have a gazillion inspiration pics, and it’s great to have this easy breakdown of how to use them. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yea! I am so glad, I think we all need those reminders now and then! (I have actually been cleaning out my paper files since we now have pinterest… but it has been a good refresher as to what I really love! Especially when I keep seeing the same elements saved over and over)

  2. GREAT post girl. I couldn’t agree more with all of these! I’m totally inspired by that chandy. I think it’s time I had the gusto to take down that ceiling fan in the middle of our living room…even though we do live in the tropics of south alabama! ;}

    1. Oh, I know what you mean, we use our ceiling fans practically year round… But I am eyeing the chandelier over my dining room… it needs to be fixed! (thanks for the feedback about the post too! – i am so flattered that you liked it, cuz I LOVE your house!)

  3. Some great tips here. I will implement some of these when I decorate my new house later this summer. Thanks! 🙂

  4. Hi,

    The link for the lamp tutorial under #3 doesn’t work. I would really love to see the tutorial!


  5. Cassity- you have no idea how helpful this post is! I am about to makeover my living room and have pinned tons of inspiration photos and this post will help me so much in narrowing it down to exactly what I want in the room! Thanks so much! 🙂

    1. I am SO glad… I think it is something we all sort of know how to do but don’t always put in to words! And sometimes we need things in writing to remind us what we are doing!

      Anyway, I hope you share some links with me when you are dong with your living room! I would love to see it!

  6. These are great tips Cassity! Even though I do it every day for other people, I find sometimes even I get indecisive when designing my own home – but you are completely right in saying to find the elements of the room you love. It’s all in the details. Found this post through the Polly wants a crafter link up – love your blog! xx

  7. Things like this can be so overwhelming. And then, I wonder why I don’t get the “picture perfect” result! Thanks for these suggestions, and for sharing them at Handmade Tuesdays.

  8. What a great post! Love how you’ve broken it all down so it’s so much easier to get a handle on. Sometimes we have so many ideas we don’t know where to start. thanks so much for coming by and linking up with Vintage Inspiration!

  9. Hi, Cassity! This is such an informative post…I want to Pin all the pics. 😉 I’m so happy that you linked this up to Weekend Bloggy Reading, but I’d really appreciate it if you could please add a link back to me. As a link party host, I know you understand how that helps grow a party. Thank you!

  10. Love the room with the rattan chairs! Would you by chance remember where to get these? They have the back and bottom cushion. I just found your page and I am loving your style!