Sunshiny day! Yellow Entry Door

Erin from Fairy Tales sent over this fun, quick change a Yellow Entry Door! I love that you can see the nice detail on the door now.  What do you think, would you dare to go yellow?    Here is what Erin was thinking about before she dove in.

I’m REALLY digging yellow right now. I want to splash it everywhere. I’m already planning to splash it all over our study but where else can I splash it?! We’re approaching another drill weekend and I’m seriously considering painting our front door yellow. Our door is currently black and drab. Yellow would make it bold, cheerful and interesting. Is that not what I wanted when we discussed entryway design??? Lee will definitely think its interesting when he returns home to a colorful door…We’ll see if he reads my blog…


Well…I finally did it with 1 coat of primer and 3 coats of yellow paint. A black drab-like front door for us is no longer displayed. The door is now bold and beautiful.


I left the inside and outside crease of the door black. The inside of the front door is white but I’ll show you that side later. I got the crease idea from an image I saw on ish and chi. Now I need to spruce up the rest of our front porch with something. I plan to spiff it up this weekend. Any ideas?

I’d say this is definitely a shiny happy before and after, 
thanks for sharing it with us!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I love it! What a lovely cheery welcome to the house. A pot of yellow flowers would be the crowning touch.

  2. >There's an area of Dublin where everyone paints their door a bright color. It was so fun to see all the colors, all vibrant, and each different. Think you could talk your whole neighborhood into painting their door a fun color as well? 🙂

  3. We are looking to paint our door yellow and were wondering the company and name of the color of the yellow door dated May 1.

    1. Jose, click on the Fairy Tales link at the top of the post. Since this post has been around for a while you night be able to get your answer there. Thanks!