A Rug Story

The Big Rug Switcheroo!

A week or so ago we had our living room mood board party hop.  I decided to try making a mood board for our family room.  That way I would have more of an actual plan, instead of winging it so much.  Considering some of the recent changes having a plan really helped.  And after some consideration, I decided it was time to get a more colorful rug for the room.

Moving on to a sorta different subject, if you remember (or in case you are new) when we started the living room I choose this rug… We had it in the living room for about 8 months, but I never loved it.  I should have just returned it when I got it, but I kept thinking I would like it one day.

Then, this summer, when I was asked to design a room for Shaw, (which was so fun, a total dream) I was lucky enough to get a rug from Shaw.  I picked this rug.  And I still LOVE this rug with a passion.  I love the colors and have been nothing but happy.

Back to the family room.  I decided it was time to get the room looking how I want it to look (we have lived here for 3 years after all)  So, I got on overstock and bought this rug (below) for $255.00.  I waited impatiently for a few days and it finally arrived.  I was so excited to see the rug.

But I couldn’t put it in our family room because we were having our carpets cleaned the next day (yes I have a  rug over carpet… I know some people don’t like this look, but since this a baby (learning how to walk) friendly room, carpet is nice to have… but maybe in our next house we will have wood floors through out).  Anywho, I couldn’t wait to see it, so instead of putting it in our family room we rolled it out in our living room, and something magical happened… the tile in our kitchen (which I have disliked since we moved in) all of a sudden looked great.

Here is a picture of the tile.  I just haven’t loved the fake Saltillo ceramic.  I like the detail tile… but it is sort of randomly placed.  I guess when it comes down to it, my biggest issue with the tile is that our entire kitchen is orange.. and not a cool orange.  Orange oak, peach counters and orange tile…

IMG_8529 changed


Ivory Floral Rug from Overstock

(if you can’t tell, Etta is really into getting her picture taken… and then seeing it on the camera)  Here is Etta doing a rug angel on the carpet… She’s never had the chance to do one in the snow, poor little Texan, but the rug was so soft she was just naturally rolling all over it… just like a 2 year old should!

The new rug brought the living room and kitchen together perfectly.  I will admit that I was hoping to rip out the tile and replace it.  But the funny thing is that almost everyone that comes in tells us how much they love the tile…without prompting… weird.  I don’t really get it, but it is not worth the money to change.  Especially since we got some interesting/annoying news that may mean a move in the near future…(I’ll tell you more about it when I can)

To make a long story short, we decided to move the living room rug up to the family room (which has been seeing some huge changes too.. more to come)  And the family room rug is now the new living room rug.  I am hoping this is a happy change that will make our space feel more finished.


Oh, and I also bought 2 new pillow covers (1 is pictured above) from an etsy store, and they match the rug perfectly.

I wonder, what are your thoughts about the rug?  I know it is maybe a little loud.  But I really like the pattern, ALL the color and it is really soft.  The other great thing about the rug is that it makes the myriad of colored books in our shelves fit in better.   All in all I am really feeling good about this choice.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I LOVE the rug! It will make a bold statement. Love the colors, too!!! I don’t think it is loud…when you get furniture in there it will tone it down.

  2. What is the name of your previous rug? The blue and green one? When I try to go to the Rugs link in your other post, it goes nowhere.

  3. I LOVE this rug! I actually have it in my office/living area. I have two giant dogs that roll around on this rug and it still looks like it did the day I got it. It makes me happy to look at it, and seems to have quite the cult following on overstock. It also seems to just make stains disappear…

    1. Basma-

      I think I included the link in the post? If you look back it should take you right to where I found the rug… but to answer your question, it is from Overstock, something like Ivory Floral Rug… if you search that title on overstock, you should find it! Good luck!

  4. Hello there. Love your blog. Absolutely love all of the trim work and built-ins you do. Fantabulous for sure! Without meaning to copy, I just ordered this rug. I’ve been wanting a rug with huge flowers for my foyer but all of the patterns I love are way above what I had in mind to spend. I got to looking at Kohl’s on-line last night and just happened to have my 30% coupon in hand, saw this rug yet again, and decided to go for it. Seeing it pictured in your living room helps, but I can’t wait to see it in person. Can you please tell me how it’s holding up, does it show dirt easily and is it easy to clean? I suppose I should have asked these things before I ordered, ha! Ah well. I’d appreciate your honest feedback!

    1. Lisa, it really help up well. we didn’t really notice a lot of dirt showing up and only had to vacuum it. Sadly though, we don’t have it any more, we sold it to my sister and now they love it. I do miss it though.