7 Ways to Get Your Patio Ready for Spring and Summer

7 ways to get your patio ready for spring and summer - Tipsaholic.com


You’re probably itching to spend a lot more time outside now that it’s warm, so let’s get to work and get your patio ready for spring and summer!

Tipsaholic - 7 ways to get your patio ready for spring and summer

1. Build (or Buy) Outdoor Planters

A couple of really great outdoor planters with bright flowers can add a lot of style to a patio. However, outdoor planters can be costly so why not build them yourself? Here’s a great round-up of DIY outdoor planter projects!

If you’re not that handy, you can always buy a set of outdoor planters to get your patio ready for spring. Maybe you’ll like this trio of white textured stone outdoor planters, this bold and modern orange outdoor planter, or this classic white slat outdoor planter.

2. Hang Up Outdoor Curtains

Turn your patio into another room simply by adding curtains to make it feel more of a part of your home. If you have a pergola or a porch, you can attach hooks to the underside and put curtains on galvanized steel pipes or rods. Hang them on the hooks and presto, you’ve got curtains! Try using outdoor fabric for more durability.

3. Put Up Outdoor String Lights

There’s nothing better than string lights hanging above you to create the perfect atmosphere for relaxing outside as it gets dark and breezy. If you don’t have a porch, you could always string them across your fence (or from your house to the fence if your yard is fairly small) or around a couple of trees.

4. Paint or Stain Your Fence

Fences can look worn out over time, especially if you haven’t painted or stained them to protect them from everyday weather conditions. Follow this tutorial to get your patio ready for spring and summer. A new-looking fence will be like a facelift for your patio!

5. Create Something with Outdoor Pallets

Since it’s so easy (and cheap) to get your hands on a couple of outdoor pallets, why not build furniture and other cool stuff for your patio? From a potting bench to an outdoor table with wheels, there is a wide variety of projects you can do with outdoor pallets.

6. Add Shade Sails

If you don’t have a porch, shade sails is an economical way to block the hot summer sun when you just want to relax in the breeze. Plus, they look so cool and modern! They come in square and triangle shapes and a wide variety of colors. Some shade sails also offer UV protection. Here’s some more information about shade sails. It’s a great way to get your patio ready for spring and summer!

7. Decorate

Is your patio furniture looking plain and sad? Swap out your cushions for new colorful ones and grab a few fun outdoor throw pillows to instantly transform your outdoor space. You’ll probably also want to get a storage bench to store your new pillows and cushions during inclement weather.

Looking for more inspiration on how to get your patio ready for spring? You’ll get a ton of ideas from this great patio round-up.

Related Reading: Great ways to update a concrete patio!

Feature image via Involving Color

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I’m Elisa and I live in Austin, Texas with my husband and our two little girls. I used to teach reading and writing, but now I stay at home with my two kiddos and read and write in my spare time. I also love to undertake DIY projects, find new recipes on Pinterest, and dream about someday finally completing our home. Above all, I love to learn about new things and sharing my new-found knowledge with others.

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