7 Creative Ideas for a Pregnancy Announcement


Announcing a pregnancy is one of the most exciting times of one’s life. You want it to be special and memorable, and getting a whole bunch of likes on Facebook doesn’t hurt, either. Many creative parents-to-be have come up with many fun ways to announce a pregnancy, including the seven great ideas listed below. Maybe these pregnancy announcement ideas will help you come up with one of your own!

1. Get your older kids to participate in your pregnancy announcement. (picture: slide 1)

Your older children are probably as excited about the upcoming new baby as you are, so why not include them in your pregnancy announcement? You could create a special t-shirt for your beaming toddler or give chalkboard signs for your two older kids to hold for a special photo.

2. Let your adorable pet(s) announce your pregnancy. (picture: slide 2)

Have a pup or a couple of feline friends who have no idea what’s coming to them in 9 months? Put a cute sign around their neck or put them next to a homemade sign for your pregnancy announcement.

3. Get creative with signs. (picture: slide 3)

Pose with your significant other next to a sign that clearly implies that a baby is on the way. A bright yellow sign that says BUMP AHEAD is perfect, but DIYing a couple of clever directional signs on a pole could be another great way to announce a pregnancy.

4. Include a pair of teeny baby shoes in your pregnancy announcement. (picture: slide 4)

Who can resist a tiny pair of baby shoes? No one can and that’s why this style of pregnancy announcement is so popular. Also, this could be a great way to announce the gender of your baby.

5. Consider a holiday-related pregnancy announcement. (picture: slide 5)

Announcing a pregnancy during pumpkin season or just before Christmas? Take advantage of your great timing to come up with a creative holiday-themed pregnancy announcement, such as carving a tiny pumpkin inside of a bigger pumpkin or hanging up an extra Christmas stocking.

6. Come up with an exciting math equation. (picture: slide 6)

One plus one equals two, right? Not always, since one could have another little one inside her. If math is your thing, you could come up with a fun equation that has your family and friends doing the math and realizing that you’re pregnant!

7. Include humor in your pregnancy announcement. (picture: slide 7)

A new pregnancy is a very joyful event, but when you make it funny, it’s even better. The mother-to-be could be scarfing down ice cream or junk food as the father-to-be anxiously reads how-to books or nervously assembles a crib with many parts.

Looking for more ideas for family photos? Here’s some ideas of how to dress your family and a cute way to display your family photos.

7 Creative Ideas for a Pregnancy Announcement | Tipsaholic.com #photography #baby #announcement #pregnancy

Featured image courtesy of Life of a Mompreneur.

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I’m Elisa and I live in Austin, Texas with my husband and our two little girls. I used to teach reading and writing, but now I stay at home with my two kiddos and read and write in my spare time. I also love to undertake DIY projects, find new recipes on Pinterest, and dream about someday finally completing our home. Above all, I love to learn about new things and sharing my new-found knowledge with others.

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