6 Tips for Decorating with Radiant Orchid, Pantone’s Color of the Year

Hello everyone! I’m Sarah from Just The Bees Knees, and I am very excited to be here today as Remodelaholics newest Mood Board contributor! 

I love talking about the latest and greatest design trends, so today I will be sharing some tips and tricks on how YOU can incorporate this years hottest color into your home decor!   

6 DesignTips for Decorating with Radiant Orchid from Remodelaholic.com #trends  #moodboard #pantone #radiantorchid

This years color of the year chosen by Pantone is Radiant Orchid. I’m absolutley loving this color! Its bold yet soft and soothing at the same time.   I’m going to share with you how to take a neutral room and incorporate this hottest color trend into your space without busting out the paint brushes.

Bedrooms are a great choice to add some radiant orchid, so for some inspiration I created a mood board of a bedroom updated with a few punches of color. 

6 DesignTips for Decorating with Radiant Orchid from Remodelaholic.com #trends  #moodboard #pantone #radiantorchidTo view sources for items used in this Mood Board, click here.

6 Tips for Decorating with Radiant Orchid
Pantone’s Color of the Year

Here’s some tips and guidelines to get you started.

 1. Change up your art. 

Switching out your art is a great way to dress up your walls and incorporate some more color. Shop for inexpensive prints online, or even try your hand at DIY’ing an abstract painting of your own!

2. Switch out those pillows. 

No need to change all of your bedding. Just add a few orchid throw pillows to brighten up a neutral bed.

3. Accessorize! 

A few artfully bold accessories mixed in make a big impact. A vase, beautiful agate bookends, or even a real orchid will give you those little pops of color your room needs.

4. Add a statement piece. 

An old bench or chair recovered in lush, purple velevt will breath fresh life into the room! Or maybe you have a small end table that could use a new coat of paint.  Whatever you decide, a small piece of furniture in bold orchid will become the star of the room.

5. Hang new drapes.

Add a punch of color against neutral walls by simply changing your window treatments. No need to hunt down that perfect fabric print….the color speaks for itself, so simple drapes in radiant orchid will make a big impression and add a sense of luxury to the space.

6. Do mix Radiant Orchid with other colors.

On thing I love about this color is how well it mixes with grays and mustards and golds, so don’t be afraid to mix it up!


And remember…as much as we are loving this color right now, its a trend and trends are forever changing! So by adding these few easy updates  to your space, you can keep up with the current trends without a major room renovation every year.

I hope I’ve inspired you to start decorating with this hot new color! If you want some more decorating inspiration on how to work with trends, make sure to check out my Trendy Tuesday series over on my blog! Thanks again Cassity & the Remodelaholic team for having me here today, and I look forward to being back next month!

xo, Sarah


Looking for more design inspiration? Try our mood boards collection and color files!

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  1. I really like how you used Radiant Orchid as an accent color. It’s a little too much for me as a paint color, but in small doses it is gorgeous!

  2. I love the mood board you put together! I recently wrote a post on this color too, and I think starting at all those photos has inspired me to use it. I’m considering using it in small doses in my home office…
    ~Katie @ Upcycled Treasures