Winter Wreath with Burlap and Snowflakes

winter wreath with burlap and snowflakes made my for

Hey there Remodelaholics!!  I’m Karah and I’m so happy to be here with my first little installment of a contributor post for the year.  I met Cassity at the Haven conference last August and just fell in love.  We definitely connected over our love of blogging, it was a blogging conference after all … but our true loves run much deeper in the realm of all things house and home.  Family first, of course … speaking of, here’s a snap shot of mine.

the space between family photo

Yes, I had to go back almost 5 years to find a picture of the four of us.  And I’m not sure my husband’s eyes are even open and my wedding dress looks like an inappropriately short mini skirt, but hey, our dogs are cute, right?!?!  Even though it doesn’t appear their eyes are open either.  🙂 #FamilyPhotoFail

We are in the midst of a full house renovation of our own.  In April 2013 we purchased a 1950’s conch style home in Key West, FL and we have been busy updating every single surface since then.  Let’s not a judge a book by it’s cover, OK? home renovation

It is a true labor of love that I enjoy writing about on my blog the space between.  You know the space between, right … that little space between where you’ve been and where you’re going.  I am on a journey to make the most of it and am so thrilled to share a few extra peeks over here with you all.  So thanks for having me! xo

Now, I am specifically going to be checking in once a month with seasonal ideas from decorating tips to DIY projects and everything in between.  And since it’s January you know what that means … yeah, I kind of got stumped on this one, too.  Not that I’m not a huge fan of Martin Luther King Jr. Day … but assuming you’ve already got all of your MLK Day decor all planned out I whipped up a simple winter wreath with burlap and snowflakes from a very fancy boutique shop The Dollar Tree.

winter wreath with burlap and snowflakes made by for

I love how she turned out, and especially that it gives our eternal summer location a bit of a brisk feel when I see her on above recently DIYed board and batten wall in our living room.

Make a Winter Wreath with Burlap and Snowflakes

To make your own, or one similar, here are the supplies you’ll need:

  • pool noodle or wreath form
  • duct tape (if using a pool noodle)
  • serrated knife (to cut pool noodle to desired length)
  • 4″ thick burlap ribbon – available here (affiliate link)
  • 1″ thick white ribbon of your choice – this option could be fun (affiliate link)
  • safety pins
  • embellishments of choice, I used silver glittered sticks, balls and snowflakes
  • hot glue

And here’s a picture of a smattering of items I may or may not have used.  🙂  You know how it goes when you start a craft project, it doesn’t always end up exactly how you may have envisioned before you started.  Luckily I only purchased the items from the dollar store for a total spend of about $5, the ribbons and pool noodle I already had laying around.

winter wreath with burlap and snowflakes made my for

This was my first go ’round with the whole pool noodle as a wreath form, and hey, I recommend it. Just for reference I played around with some sizes and ended up cutting my noodle to a total length of 42 inches with the serrated knife, then just attach the two ends with duct tape. 

winter wreath with burlap and snowflakes made my for

Then just wrap the whole thing with the burlap overlapping enough so the awesome green color doesn’t show through.  🙂  And secure with a couple of safety pins.

winter wreath with burlap and snowflakes made my for

My burlap ribbon was thisclose to making it the entire way around, but I think the added white ribbon really does start to give it that winter feel.

winter wreath with burlap and snowflakes made my for

Turns out, since the burlap has holes in it anyway, I could just break the glittered sticks to the desired length and stick them right into the noodle.  I had thought I would hot glue them under the white ribbon, I think that would work also if you’re using a more solid fabric.

winter wreath with burlap and snowflakes made my for

Then the little silver balls really are just meant to cover up the transition area where all of the sticks poke into the noodle.  And they start to add some dimension to help balance out the wispy twigs above.  I cut those little balls off of longer stems probably meant as an embellishment for floral arrangements, they stuck right in hidden a bit behind the white ribbon.

winter wreath with burlap and snowflakes made my for

To keep that dimension going I hot glued the first snowflake right onto the balls with the bottom on the wreath, I think it’s nice that they all aren’t just laying flat.

And for one last bit of whimsy the third snowflake is almost “falling” right off.

winter wreath with burlap and snowflakes made my for

Overall a super simple wreath to make and customize to your liking.  That burlap and white ribbon base could easily carry over to spring … maybe replace the snowflakes with colorful gerber daisies or even eggs for Easter.

Just to mix metallics I chose a gold (or is it brass or copper color?) ribbon to hang her from an old hook, and kept the ribbon long and floppy to keep it casual.  Or maybe it’s because I’m too thrifty to cut a long ribbon that may end up working out perfectly for the next project that requires a long gold/brass/copper ribbon.  😉

winter wreath with burlap and snowflakes made by for

If you’re looking for other project ideas here are a couple of my favorites, just click on the image to go directly to the post.

sisal coasters made by

easy tray makeover made by


Or, if home renovation is your thing, which I’m guessing it is since you’re a Remodelaholic reader like me, you can get caught up on our house renovation project by clicking this image.

full house renovation project chronicled on




Wanting more winter decor? 25 more great winter wreaths plus a friendly snowman wreath

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  1. Hi, to all the Remodelaholics! If you aren’t following Karah’s site, The Space Between, hot on now! She has great ideas! She is my favorite blogger! PS…notice the driftwood art framed beside the wreath in the top picture? It’s just another of Karah’s great ideas!

  2. HI Karah,

    What a pretty wreath! I just love those glittery snowflakes, I use them all over this time of year. And I haven’t tried making a wreath with the noodle yet, but will give it a try. Glad to see you at Remodelaholic!

  3. January to me equals winter/snow. I decorate my mantle with a “winter wonderland” only using silver and white/clear. I use anything that you’d find outdoors like pinecones, birch (candles), snowmen, etc. then I cover the mantle with snow.