6 Elements Of A Warm White Kitchen

How To Design A Warm White Kitchen via Tipsaholic.com


Beautiful white kitchens are highly desired these days, but an all-white kitchen can feel sterile like a hospital if there’s too much white and not enough warmth. If you have a white kitchen or are planning for one, try to incorporate as many of the following elements to make your kitchen a gorgeous yet inviting space in your home. (featured image via Dear Lillie)

6 Elements Of A Warm White Kitchen via Tipsaholic

1. Lots of light

White is a color that loves light. A white room that’s filled with light looks almost heaven-like. Push apart the curtains, add bigger windows, or switch out a kitchen door with a french door to let in more light.


2. Wood

Wood is a great way to instantly warm up a white kitchen. Wood flooring will make a big impact, but you don’t have to replace your flooring to include wood. Leave your beams in their natural wood state, add wood countertop to an island, or install reclaimed wood shelving in place of a cabinet. This kitchen from Dear Lillie is a beautiful example of how great wood can look in a white kitchen.


3. Gold

Gold and white is another appealing combination. Gold also adds a traditional feel to a modern kitchen. You could add gold knobs or pulls to your cabinets. Or go big and install gold toe kick under your lower cabinets. This lovely kitchen includes a lot of gold and does it perfectly.


4. A light backsplash with gray grout

A popular backsplash choice for white kitchens is white subway tiles, but you can warm them up with gray grout. The gray grout will also be easier to clean and add some more dimension to a white kitchen. Learn how to install a subway tile backsplash from Remodelaholic.


5. Glass cabinets or open shelving

A row of upper white cabinets can look very… white. Break up all the white by replacing a couple of solid cabinet doors with glass cabinet doors. Or you could remove a cabinet or two and install open shelving.


6. Colorful accessories

Choose a color or two to add some life to your white kitchen. You could get a couple of yellow striped dish towels and hang them on your oven, purchase a candy-red kettle and leave it on your stove, or paint an utensil holder in your favorite shade of teal. Other ways to add color through kitchen accessories include a stand mixer, trivets, vases, art in colored frames, a bright rug, window treatments, and bar stools.


For more white kitchen inspiration, check out this white kitchen renovation and this kitchen with gold lighting. If you love gray, here are some drool-inducing photographs of gorgeous gray and white kitchens.


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I’m Elisa and I live in Austin, Texas with my husband and our two little girls. I used to teach reading and writing, but now I stay at home with my two kiddos and read and write in my spare time. I also love to undertake DIY projects, find new recipes on Pinterest, and dream about someday finally completing our home. Above all, I love to learn about new things and sharing my new-found knowledge with others.

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  1. Just the article I was looking for! I’m debating whether or not a white kitchen is for me. I think they look great, but worry if they would be tiring to be in for too long.