5 Ways to Turn Your Mason Jars Into Lights

Wondering what to do with your collection of mason jars? Need new ideas for lighting up your indoor or outdoor space? Here are five easy ways to turn your mason jars into lights and candles that will bring charm and beauty to your living spaces. (featured image via Sweet Tea Clothing Co)

5 Mason Jar Lighting Ideas via Tipsaholic

5 Ideas for Mason Jar Lights via Tipsaholic.com

Mason jars are extremely popular these days. You can find them at weddings, parties, and, as always, in kitchen pantries all over the country. They are often used as party drinks, centerpieces, and flower vases when they’re not used for canning purposes. But that’s not all that you can do with mason jars! You can turn your collection of mason jars into lights and candles for your home, both indoors and outdoors. Here’s how.

1. Outdoor Lanterns

Line the pathway to your home with outdoor lanterns using mason jars. First, fill the bottom of your mason jars with gravel, sand, glass marbles, or anything that is small and will weight down your jars so they don’t blow away with the wind. Stick a candle in each jar and voila. You could even hang them on your fence or your porch.


2. Recycled Candles

Do you have half-melted candles littered all over your home? Gather them all and melt them together in one pot. Pour your melted wax into a mason jar or two. Don’t forget to put in the wicking before you pour in the wax!


3. Insect Repellent Candles

Did you know that many insect repellent candles being sold today don’t really contain the essential oil citronella that repels bugs, but only smell like they do? Make insect repellent candles that really work by making your own and put them in mason jars to add a little style to your outdoor space. You can either recycle old candles or buy natural soy wax and melt it in a double boiler. Just add a few drops of citronella essential oil to your melted wax before you pour it into your mason jar.


4. Solar Lights

The great thing about solar lights is that they don’t use any electricity to light up your outdoor space, but they don’t always look that attractive. Why not use mason jars instead? Buy a couple of cheap solar lights from a home improvement store and take out the top parts with the solar lights in them. Cut out a hole in the lids of your mason jars and then glue on the solar lights to the lids. You want the solar light to be showing through the hole so that the sunlight can reach them. Hang your new solar lights on your fence with the help of baling wire.


5. Pendant Lights

Mason jars can be turned into charming pendant lights for your kitchen. Just follow these DIY steps to add some ambience to your kitchen island or peninsula!


It’s amazing to see just how versatile the humble mason jar can be. However, if you don’t have any mason jars on hand, don’t run to the store just yet. You might have some glass jars laying around in your home (or in your refrigerator) that you can turn into beautiful blue mason jars with this easy tutorial.

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I’m Elisa and I live in Austin, Texas with my husband and our two little girls. I used to teach reading and writing, but now I stay at home with my two kiddos and read and write in my spare time. I also love to undertake DIY projects, find new recipes on Pinterest, and dream about someday finally completing our home. Above all, I love to learn about new things and sharing my new-found knowledge with others.

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