5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens

Sometimes a beautiful pattern on just one wall can bring a room from blah to gorgeous. Read on to learn about 5 ways to decorate your walls with paint pens! 5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens via @tipsaholic #paint #walls #pens #paintpens #decorate #diy

5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens
Sometimes a beautiful pattern on just one wall can bring a room from blah to gorgeous. Wallpaper achieves this purpose, but it can be expensive and a headache to put up, let alone remove when you get tired of it. You can achieve the same effect with a couple of paint pens. Read on to learn about 5 ways to decorate your walls with paint pens!

1. Freehand It!

If you have some artistic skills, you could just freehand a design on a wall to make your room pop! You could look at wallpaper designs and get inspired by one or two and create a similar pattern on your walls, like Kellie did on her hallway walls. So great!

Sometimes a beautiful pattern on just one wall can bring a room from blah to gorgeous. Read on to learn about 5 ways to decorate your walls with paint pens! 5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens via @tipsaholic #paint #walls #pens #paintpens #decorate #diy

And one of Kellie’s readers did a similar wall treatment with a paint pen and her walls turned out just as beautiful.

Sometimes a beautiful pattern on just one wall can bring a room from blah to gorgeous. Read on to learn about 5 ways to decorate your walls with paint pens! 5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens via @tipsaholic #paint #walls #pens #paintpens #decorate #diy

Another great freehand design done with paint pens is this modern faux stone accent wall. Monica sketched out her design with a pencil on the wall first and then traced it all with a black paint pen.

Sometimes a beautiful pattern on just one wall can bring a room from blah to gorgeous. Read on to learn about 5 ways to decorate your walls with paint pens! 5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens via @tipsaholic #paint #walls #pens #paintpens #decorate #diy

So, if you’re not totally confident at freehand designs, you could easily test out any design you want by sketching it out with a pencil beforehand.

2. Use a Pre-made Stencil

Another way to decorate your walls with a paint pen is to purchase a pre-made stencil and use a paint pen instead of paint! It’ll be a much less messy project and the results are more delicate.

Sometimes a beautiful pattern on just one wall can bring a room from blah to gorgeous. Read on to learn about 5 ways to decorate your walls with paint pens! 5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens via @tipsaholic #paint #walls #pens #paintpens #decorate #diy

If you want to go this route, check out the amazing selection of stencils at Royal Design Studio.

3. Create Your Own Stencil or Template

Of course, you can always create your own stencil or template instead of buying one! A Beautiful Mess created a fun stencil with cardboard and cut it out with an x-acto knife.  They made sure that the pattern was interlocking and used push pins to hold the stencil on the wall as they drew away.

Sometimes a beautiful pattern on just one wall can bring a room from blah to gorgeous. Read on to learn about 5 ways to decorate your walls with paint pens! 5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens via @tipsaholic #paint #walls #pens #paintpens #decorate #diy

Instead of making a stencil, Wendy created a template based on a pattern on a fabric she liked and traced around that with a pencil. Then she went back and went over the lines with a paint pen.

Sometimes a beautiful pattern on just one wall can bring a room from blah to gorgeous. Read on to learn about 5 ways to decorate your walls with paint pens! 5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens via @tipsaholic #paint #walls #pens #paintpens #decorate #diy

It’s probably best to decide the pattern and design of your walls before deciding whether to create a stencil or a template. Or you could just use something around the house as a template, like Savannah did! She used a steamer pot lid, of all things, to create this beautiful scalloped accent wall.

Sometimes a beautiful pattern on just one wall can bring a room from blah to gorgeous. Read on to learn about 5 ways to decorate your walls with paint pens! 5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens via @tipsaholic #paint #walls #pens #paintpens #decorate #diy

4. Measure Out a Geometric Design

No matter how you feel about math, you have to admit that it does amazing things in our world. It can create bridges and advanced technology, predict human behavior, and help you design a beautiful accent wall.

With some measuring and creativity, you can come up with a design that you can sketch out with a paint pen. Mandi used a level and a ruler to create horizontal lines and then did some more measuring to draw her triangles. Her finished accent wall is a beaut!

Sometimes a beautiful pattern on just one wall can bring a room from blah to gorgeous. Read on to learn about 5 ways to decorate your walls with paint pens! 5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens via @tipsaholic #paint #walls #pens #paintpens #decorate #diy

Here’s another example of a geometric accent wall created with paint pens that was done by Becky for her son’s nursery.

Sometimes a beautiful pattern on just one wall can bring a room from blah to gorgeous. Read on to learn about 5 ways to decorate your walls with paint pens! 5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens via @tipsaholic #paint #walls #pens #paintpens #decorate #diy

Again, a ruler and a level was all that she used to create her accent wall. She also planned out the design in Photoshop, so that might be a good route for you if you have that program or a similar one.

A simple, diagonal design with a gold metallic paint pen is unexpectedly gorgeous! And it can be done easily with just a little measuring and a long, straight ruler. Julia’s bathroom turned out beautifully using this method.

Sometimes a beautiful pattern on just one wall can bring a room from blah to gorgeous. Read on to learn about 5 ways to decorate your walls with paint pens! 5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens via @tipsaholic #paint #walls #pens #paintpens #decorate #diy

5. Use a Projector

You can use paint pens to draw a huge mural on a wall instead of a pattern. Amanda made this great world map mural for her son’s room with an overhead projector.

Sometimes a beautiful pattern on just one wall can bring a room from blah to gorgeous. Read on to learn about 5 ways to decorate your walls with paint pens! 5 Ways to Decorate Your Walls With Paint Pens via @tipsaholic #paint #walls #pens #paintpens #decorate #diy

If you don’t have an overhead projector, you could ask your local library if they loan them out or get an image projector. The options for a mural is limitless — you could draw your own design, create one in Photoshop, print out a photo from the internet, or trace an image from a book.

The best thing about using paint pens to create an accent wall is that it is a VERY cheap project that has a big impact. A paint pen usually costs around $3 and you can find them at craft stores. Just be sure to buy latex, or water-based, paint pens so you can easily cover them up with paint without having to use primer when you tire of the design.

For more decorating ideas, check out 8 Ideas for Decorating a Kids Bathroom and Great Mudroom Round Up.

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I’m Elisa and I live in Austin, Texas with my husband and our two little girls. I used to teach reading and writing, but now I stay at home with my two kiddos and read and write in my spare time. I also love to undertake DIY projects, find new recipes on Pinterest, and dream about someday finally completing our home. Above all, I love to learn about new things and sharing my new-found knowledge with others.

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